Chapter eleven

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"So you need to give her time. She's had a pretty rough life." Blair said. She just finished telling me Rose's story. I swear if I ever see Rose's mother or stepdad, I will rip their throats out.

The entire time Blair was talking I kept getting distracted. I couldn't help but be hyper aware of my mate crying. I now knew why she was so upset and all I wanted to do was stop her pain.

I knew my mother was up there talking to her, I could hear her muffled voice. I sat there for a while, trying to understand what my mom and mate were saying but they were to low and muffled for me to decipher.

I finally heard her door open and footsteps walk down the hallway and stairs. I didn't know who it was, my mother or Rose, but they were coming to the living room where I and Blair sat.

My mother walked through the doorway and a feeling of disappointment filled me. Blair called our mother right after Rose left because Blair knew how comforting out mother can be and she knew Rose needed her.

"Don't look so disappointed to see me, son." My mother chided. I gave her a small smile.

"Sorry mom, I was just hoping you were Rose." I confessed as I got up to give my mother a hug.

My mom nodded, "Rose is okay, finding her mate was just the last thing she expected right now and it took her by surprise. She'll be down in a little while though."

I nodded, understanding now why she left, she's been through so much.

After a while my mom left to go make something for lunch, she always need to cook something, no matter who for. It's her way of staying calm in stressful situations.

Her scent hit me before I saw her, I turned my head around and saw Rose standing in the entrance to the living room. I instantly got up and Blair walked out of the room, giving me a sly grin before she left. You could tell by her blood shot eyes that Rose had been crying a lot and all I wanted to do was take the two steps that were separating us and hold her in my arms forever.

Her hair was a mess but still fell way past her chest. Her ice blue eyes sparkled and looked straight into my green ones. Her face was free of makeup, she was absolutely perfect.

She ran a hand through her hair nervously. "Uh hi... I'm Rose." She shrugged awkwardly, you could tell she didn't really know what to do.

"Blake." I managed out. I stretched my hand towards hers and took her hand. Electricity ran all over my skin. Judging by the look of shock on her face, the same thing was happening to her.

I was still holding her hand when I pulled her closer. She willingly stepped forward, her chest inches away from mine. I heard her heart beat faster and her breath heightened. I let go of her hand and grabbed her shoulders, my hands swallowing them.

'Dang, this girl is tiny.' I thought.

I stared into her blue eyes and found myself lost in them. I so badly wanted to kiss her, to feel out lips perfectly lock together but I knew it was too soon, she would definitely need some time to process everything. So, instead of kissing her, I did the next best thing and pulled her into my chest, wrapping her up in my arms, not wanting to ever let go.



Blake began to lean in close to me and I began to stiffen out of fear of him kissing me, I'm not ready for this yet. I was surprised though when the kiss never came, instead he pulled me into his chest. His warm embrace seemed to be just what I need. My skin was buzzing from how much we were touching each other. I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt perfectly at home, like there was absolutely nowhere else I needed to be.

"I can't believe I've found you." He whispered against my hair and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I pushed against his chest and he let me go. I sighed. I need to tell him.

"I-I need to tell you something." I said, suddenly nervous of what he might think.

Blake shook his head, "I already know."

I felt my eyebrows raise in surprise and I gave him a questioning look and he knew what I was asking.

"Blair told me everything." He shrugged, running his hands down my arms and holding each of my hands.

"OH..." I said, understanding why Blair had told him. I guess that saved me some trouble.

I nodded and awkwardly walked around him and sat on the couch. The Lion King was still playing so I sat down on the couch and pulled my legs under me. Blake sat beside me and began to watch the movie with me.

"I will never hurt you." He suddenly said after a while. His voice was soft and in put my racing mind at ease.

I looked towards him, surprised by what he said but he looked dead serious. He was still looking at the TV, but his body was facing towards me.

"I know." I whispered, voice incapable of being any louder.

He looked at me, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Do you accept me as your mate, Rose Lockheart?" He asked, hope flitting in his eyes.

I nodded, "I do." I could feel tears coming to my eyes. 'I still have tears left after today?' I thought.

"Why are you crying?" I could see worry in his eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. "I'm just so happy that I don't have to be alone anymore." I said, my voice cracking.

Blake leaned and put a hand on the side of my face, caressing my cheek. "I promise you'll never have to be alone again." Looking in his eyes I knew that he meant those words and I felt my heart skip a beat. This is exactly where I need to be.

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