Chapter 45

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After Rose passed out I picked her up in my arms pushing past Shane and Mike as I headed out of the basement. I didn't care about anything else but getting my mate out of harm's way. I didn't think about a single thing but getting her to our small hospital ward we had in the pack house.

"Get Kelly now." I ordered to Mike as I passed by him. I didn't have to look at him to know he obeyed.

I was using all my strength to hold back my wolf from going on a complete rampage, destroying anything in our path. I needed to focus of helping our mate as quickly as I could.


It's been 3 hours since I found Rose in the basement and she hasn't woken up yet.

My father was leading the cleanup of the mess left in the wake of the fight. Thankfully we didn't lose anyone but there are a lot of wounded people. Once the werewolves on Sam's side started to see us winning they started to fight against the hunters. After that, it didn't take long for us to wipe out every hunter in our territory.

I know I should be out there helping but there was no way I could focus on anything but Rose and our child at this moment. I was sitting in a chair by Rose as she lay sleeping on the hospital bed. My elbows were on my knees and my hands were clasped together. My knee was bouncing up and down repeatedly because of how anxious I was for Kelly to come and tell me if our unborn child is hurt.

I strained my ears once again to listen for the fast heartbeat of our baby, probably for the millionth time in the past 3 hours, but all I heard was silence. I let out a shaky breath and squeezed my eyes shut, my anxiety getting worse.

Rose's wound was cleaned of any wolfs bane left in it and it has steadily beginning to heal but it could have already caused irreversible damage. I cringed just thinking about it. This can't be happening.

Just then the door of the room we were in opened and Kelly walked in. "Oh thank God you're finally here." I sighed in relief.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I was tending to the other wounded." She quickly apologized as she rushed to Rose's side.

Kelly checked Rose's blood pressure and her already healing wound one of her assistants cleaned. "Everything looks good externally; now let's see what's going on internally." she commented, almost to herself.

Kelly glanced over at me quickly, "so, you can't hear the baby's heartbeat anymore, is that correct?" She asked as she turned on the machine to take an Ultrasound.

I nodded, "yeah that's what Rose said right before she passed out when I found her..." I trailed off, thinking of the horrifying scene I found Rose in. "I keep trying to hear it but I can't, no matter how hard I try." I explained.

Kelly nodded in understanding and lifted up Rose's shirt. After we got her wound taken care of I did my best to clean as much blood as I could off of her and I changed her clothes. Putting on one of my white shirts over her and a pair of black Nike shorts.

Kelly squirted the gel on Rose's stomach and started to move the wand around, looking intently at the screen I couldn't see. I reached over and squeezed Rose's hand in mine, wishing she would squeeze back but she never did.

"Come on, baby, I need you here with me" I pleaded with her quietly. I lifted her hand up and rested it on my lips, watching Kelly's face for any sign of there being a problem. When she scrunched up her face, my heart sank lower than it already was.

"I-I don't know what to tell you, Blake..." She trailed off in confusion, moving the wand around her lower stomach. "I should be able to at least see her uterus, baby or no baby, but there's nothing."

"What?" I asked sitting up straight.

Kelly turned the monitor so I could see for myself and sure enough, the screen was completely black, not a trace of anything. "What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. Medically there should be something there but... Her wolf could be in defense mode, preventing anything from seeing, hearing, or hurting the baby." Kelly said, hope in her voice. "It's rare, I've never witnessed it, but it has happened before. If that's the case, the baby should be just fine. It also explains why you can no longer hear the heartbeat. But we won't know for sure until Rose's wolf decides to let down her defenses and there's no telling how long that would take."

I sighed as I closed my eyes in relief, feeling a single tear fall down my face. I gave Rose's hand a kiss and looked at her sleeping face. "Did you hear that, love? Our baby is going to be just fine. All you need to do is open your beautiful eyes." I pleaded with her. I reached up one of my hands and brushed the side of her face, feeling her warmth radiate from her. All there is for me to do is wait and hope she wakes up soon.



All I saw was darkness. I couldn't hear, feel or see anything. Almost like I didn't exist at all. "Hello?" Was all I said, at least I could hear my own voice.

Thump Thump

Thump Thump

Thump Thump

The sound of the ever so familiar and calming heart beat had me gasping. I felt a smile spread across my face. 'My baby is okay' I thought in relief.

Hearing the continuing thumping of my baby's heart brought back the memories of what happened right before I blacked out.

I remember being furious at Sam, he had just stabbed me in the abdomen, saying there was no place for me. I seeing red as I realized what he'd done, I remember pushing him with so much force; he hit the far wall behind him.  I remember tearing his limps from his body like he were a bug, it was so easy. I remember the three other men who accompanied him down to the basement coming at me at once. I remember how easy it was for me to snap their necks, taking their heads off their bodies in the process.

I was a true killer in that moment; I was being the monster Sam had always wanted me to be. Anger at myself and Sam suddenly filled me. How could I have done that? Killing Sam is one thing but ripping apart those three other men? I just didn't see the justification I had in that. They hadn't harmed me or my child with their own hands like Sam had. They were just following orders, what made me feel the need to take their life like it meant nothing?

Everyone was right my entire life, I am a monster.

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