Chapter 48

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"My water just broke." The moment those words left my mouth I began to panic. "Oh God, my water just broke!" I almost yelled at Blake.

"It's okay, it's okay we can handle this!" Blake said, sounding just as panicked as I felt.

I shook my head, beginning to feel the contractions. "Get your mom!" I said.

Blake bolted to the door, leaving me outside. He quickly came back, thank God, and grabbed my hand and helped my inside. Blair was right next to me as soon as we entered the house. "Blake, take her to the hospital wing, I'll get mom." Her face was the most serious I've ever seen it, she really took control of the situation. This is a good thing because both Blake and I had no idea of what we were doing.

Blake quickly got me to the hospital portion of the Pack House and we met Kelly there. I was quickly sat in a wheel chair and rolled further down to a separate portion of the hospital wing. I've only been to the maternity part of the hospital a few times during my pregnancy and I was suddenly hit with another wave of panic. This is it, it's really happening.

When we arrived to our room I was helped out of my clothes and into a gown and was placed on the bed. Kelly said I was only dilated 5 centimeters and I still had a while to wait. Jasmine came in the room after Kelly left and was at my side in an instant.

She saw the panic in both Blake and I's eyes and she smiled. "I was just as panicked as you are, so was your father." She said, looking between Blake and I. "This is probably the most scary part of being a fist time mom but I know you can do it Rose. You have been through so much; this is what makes it all worth it." Jasmine's soothing voice and encouraging words helped calm the panic that was inside me.

I can do this.

When people say labor is painful, they're liars. It is the most agonizing experience in any mother's life. I spent the past 9 hours in labor, each contraction worse than the one before. Blake stayed by my side the whole time, kissing my temple, squeezing my hand, rubbing my back and whispering soothing things in my ear. It helped a lot but it still didn't numb the pain.

The Epidural didn't help much either. Apparently werewolves burn the effects of it off faster than a human does but it helps a little that's why we still do it. When Kelly said I was finally dilated 10 centimeters I suddenly felt determined, I am going to get this baby out of me, even if it's the last thing I do. 9 hours of labor can do a lot to a woman.

When it was all said and done I couldn't believe I did it. I felt myself release a breath I felt like I was holding during the entire pregnancy. "It's a girl." Kelly said loudly with pride.

I looked to Blake and he was looking at me with so much love I was almost overwhelmed by it all. "Did you hear that, Baby? It's a girl." I could see tears begging to form in his eyes. Blake leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Would you like to see her?" Kelly asked from behind Blake.

We both turned and looked towards Kelly. She was holding a small bundle of yellow. I instinctually reached my hand out and Kelly placed the bundle in my arms. When I looked down I let out a small gasp.

"Hi baby." I said in a soft voice. "I'm your momma." Her beautiful green eyes looked up at me as if she knew exactly who I was. She had thick brown hair that was slightly curly, her eyes were the same color as Blake's and I sent up a silent thank you. "Oh, you are so perfect." I felt tears rolling down my face and I didn't care to stop them. I felt Blake slide in behind me and pull me into his chest.

Blake reached his hand around me and gently ran it down our baby's face. "Hi Maybre," Blake whispered, calling her the name we agreed on a few weeks ago. Maybre for a girl, Theo for a boy.

As I looked at my beautiful daughter I couldn't believe that this is how my life turned out to be. I never thought I would find a man who would want me for me; I never thought I would find a place where I was truly loved like this. When I looked down at Maybre all I saw was love and that is just what I'm going to give her; all my love.

******** 4 years later*******

"Higher daddy, higher!" Maybre's high voice filled the air around as Blake pushed her on the swing.

"If I go any higher, May, you'll go flying to the moon!" her father teased from behind her but pushed her a little bit harder making her go a little bit higher. That girl has Blake wrapped around her little fingers.

"I want to fly daddy! I want to be a birdie!" she squealed, kicking her legs in the air.

"Does our little birdie want a cookie?" I called out from across the yard.

Maybre's head turned towards me. "Daddy! Cookies!" She yelled as she pointed towards me and the plate I had in my hand.

Blake grabbed her around the waist and pulled her out of the swing making her squeal in surprise. Blake sat her down and she ran across the lawn as fast as her four year old legs could take her. Her brown curly hair bounced on her back as she ran towards me.

"Here you do little birdie." I said bending down to hand her a cookie.

"Those cookies sure look good, babe." Blake said, kissing my cheek. As he reached for one though I pulled it out of his reach.

"May, do you think daddy should get a cookie even though he didn't help make them?" I asked Maybre.

Mouth full of cookie, May looked like she was thinking really hard. She looked up at me with a mischievous grin and shook her head 'no'.  I looked to Blake and he had a fake look of hurt on his face.

"You didn't make the cookies, daddy!" May teased. "No cookie for you!"

"Oh, is that so?" he asked, sending us a mischievous grin of his own. Oh no.

"Run, Birdie, run!" I laughed and ran towards Maybre, grabbing her hand as we both took off across the yard.

I heard Blake behind us, catching up quickly. I picked Maybre up and ran faster. May held on to me tight, laughing the whole time. Her laugh was so infectious, it always has been ever since her very first one.

I felt Blake's arms go around my waist, easily picking me up off the ground. "I got you!" he said in a deeper voice than usual.

"Oh no!" I yelled and Blake fell to the ground, Maybre and I landing on top of him.

"You got us, daddy!" May laughed, her small hand patting Blake's chest.

"I sure did, Birdie!" he laughed, sending us his award winning smile.

This is all mine, I suddenly thought. There isn't anything that could make me happier than I am in this moment.

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