Chapter 41

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When I first heard that small heart beat I thought I was just imagining it, but after I really listened to it I noticed the slight tug each beat had on my heart. It was unmistakable. I instantly jumped to the conclusion of Rose being pregnant because the last time I heard a soft, gentle heartbeat like that was when my mother was pregnant with Blair.

I had my small head leaned against my mother's belly, my father sitting beside her with his arms around her. They both were sharing the same adoring smile as they watched me listen to my little sister's heart. I thought that was amazing then, but this time it is way more precious, way more important to me.

Before Kelly left she confirmed that Rose was about a month along. I couldn't help but feel pride in my little mate. I'm finally going to be a father, I'm going to have a family of my own to love and protect with all my heart. I couldn't ask for more.

"We should go down stairs and tell everyone." I mumbled to Rose while I stroked her long brown hair.

Kelly left about twenty minutes ago so it was just Rose and I.

She sighed, "Can we not? They'll just go crazy. And I'm pretty sure they heard you when you yelled to the world that you're going to be a dad." She laughed, her nose crinkling up the way it always does. 

"If we don't go down, they'll come up." I murmured, my lips pressed against her temple.

"Five more minutes." she whined. "Lets just enjoy the peace while it lasts."

I laughed quietly and continued to stroke her hair. We both relaxed down on the bed, Rose's eyes were drooping shut. She looked so peaceful and content, making me heart skip a beat.

"If you two don't get your asses down here now I'm going personally come up there and drag you both down here! I don't care if one of you is prego." I heard a faint voice from below shout, it sounded an awful lot like one of Rose's sisters.

"Shortest five minutes of my life." Rose grumbled as she sat up. My hand immediately went to her back to help her up.

"I'm only a month pregnant, I think I can get up off a bed by myself." she said as she removed my hand and stood up laughing at my attempt to help.

"Okay okay, I won't argue." I shrugged as I stood up.

"Yeah you better not argue." I heard her grumble as she walked out the door.



To say that this night was eventful is an understatement. When Blake and I finally made our way down stairs after Erin so kindly threatened us, we were met with a huge crowd.

It turns out that the black car in the drive way belonged to Melanie Cross, Brendan's mate. She was nice, definitely not shy.

She was a little taller than Brendan, which I found quite amusing, with long golden locks of hair and brown eyes. I hardly talked to her for two seconds when she started asking me about my plans for my baby. I mean come on woman, I just found out I was pregnant, at least let me sleep on it.

After we all talked and things finally got settled down we all went to the kitchen to find, to our surprise, nothing prepared for dinner. I was definitely disappointed.

Jasmine walked in and noticed our shocked faces. "Calm down, y'all. There's sandwich stuff in the fridge, help yourselves." She laughed as she walked past us and our still disappointed faves.

I guess we couldn't expect Jasmine to cook every night. I sighed and went to the fridge. We all probably shouldn't be that astonished. Do we really need Jasmine to cook every meal for us? Now when I come to think about it, I have no clue whether Blake can cook or not...

"Don't worry about it babe," Blake said as he grabbed my waist from behind me. "I'll make you a sandwich just go sit down in the living room." I nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek before I left.

Well at least I know he can put two slices of bread together... hopefully.

I walked into the living room and made my way towards the towering shelves of movies. I quickly glanced over them all and finally settled on one of my all time favorite movies; Beauty and the Beast.

"No not that movie." I heard Shane whine when he saw what disk I was putting into the player.

"Shut up, we're watching it." I said as I got a blanket and made myself comfortable on the love seat.

The movie had already started when Blake finally came in with two plates of food. One plate only had a single sandwich but the other had three piled on it.

I raised an eyebrow at my mate as he sat beside me. "Two of them are for me and the third one is a backup for when you get hungry again," he explained.

I shook my head and laughed as I grabbed the plate from his hand.

When the movie was over, I could feel my eyes getting heavier by the second. The conversation going on in front of me made absolutely no sense at all, the voices all blending together. I burrowed even deeper into the side of my mate, needing to feel the comfort of his presence. Inhaling his scent, I felt myself fall deeper and deeper into unconsciousness until I could no longer hear the mumbled voices.

I felt myself being laid gently on a soft cushiony surface, the smell of my mate surrounding me. I stirred awake and saw Blake carefully getting into bed beside me.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"Almost one in the morning." He whispered as he turned to face me.

"Why are you up so late? Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

"Just me and the guys going over all the final details of tomorrow. It'll be okay sweetie, go to sleep." he said as he planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I immediately obeyed, I was just so tired. My mind was a blank slate, clear of all the worry and heart break tomorrow is going to bring me.

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