Chapter twenty one

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After I passed out, a huge white light blinded me and I found myself in the middle of a playground. Small children were laughing and running around all around me and I automatically knew where I was.

It was before my mom turned against me and still acted like the mother I needed and deserved. She used to take me and Tom to parks while Jackson was away on pack business. It was so long ago but I remember this day so clearly now.

I walked around searching for the 6 year old version of myself. After looking around for a few seconds I finally spotted myself on the top of the jungle gym, swinging my tiny legs through the bars. I was wearing a red and green plaid dress with white dress shoes and yellow socks, my hair up in high pigtails.

Tom was running around with other little boys, even at such a young age I was separated from the rest of the pack children.

The younger me started to climb down the jungle gym, being careful not to accidentally slip through the bars. I ran over to the short water fountains under a tree, my little pigtails swinging back and forth as I made my way over there. Little me bent down and got a long drink and stood back up to leave when a dark figure stepped out behind the tree.

I stepped protectively towards the younger me, trying to protect her from the dangerous looking figure. I stopped myself once I realized all this has already happened, so there was nothing I could do.

"Hey little girl." He said in a deep rough voice. He was wearing black jeans and a leather jacket over a black V-neck shirt. He wore a baseball cap so I couldn't see his face.

The younger me looked up at him and said in my high voice. "Hello." The younger version of me gave him a wide toothy smile, not aware that this man shouldn't be talking to her.

"Your name is Rose, right?" He asked, squatting down to my height.

I nodded my head enthusiastically still grinning that goofy grin. "My name is Rosalyn May Lockheart, do you know my mommy?" I said my full name with pride, puffing out my tiny little chest and lifting my head up.

The man laughed a dark, cold laugh that made chills run up my spine. How could the 6 year old me be so oblivious to this man? He's obviously not a good guy.

"I know your mother very well actually, but I don't want you to tell her I was here okay? It will be our little secret." After he said that he stood back up and I got to look at his face. The same guy that was in my last dream. The same man who shot me in my old school's parking lot. Who the hell is he?

I jerked awake, sitting up strait. I looked around and noticed I was still in the clearing by the lake. I also noticed Blake, Blair, and Tom all hovering over me, worry in their eyes.

"I'm okay." I said before any of them could ask. I tried to sit up but Blake put a hand on my chest making my lay back down.

"No you're not. You just passed out, Rose." Blake said, giving me a wary look.

"I'm fine, just let me sit up please." I said, slightly annoyed.

His hand disappeared from my chest and went to my back instead as a sat up. "How long was I out?" I asked

"Only a minute or so, but you really freaked us out..." Blair trailed off as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I need to tell y'all something, but promise to not freak out." I said, unsure of whether or not I should tell them what I know, hell, I don't even know what I know.

After each of them nodded I let out a huge sigh and told them about the dream I had and how I knew who shot me and about the memory I just remembered while I was passed out. I told them how I think that the leader of the hunters was after me and that I had no clue why. I literally told them everything I knew about this guy- which wasn't much at all.

When I was done talking they were all looking at me with a mixture of shock and worry. When I mentioned being shot Blake let out a low, dangerous growl that I ignored, we've already been over this, no need to go into it again.

"We need to tell my dad." Blair said quietly, breaking the silence.

I nodded agreeing with her, that's the only thing I could think of also. I don't want to put anyone in this pack in danger, I would just feel better if Joseph knew everything.

"I really wish you would've told me right after you had that dream." Blake murmured quietly in my ear.

"It was the same day I found out you were my mate, Blake. I thought it would have made things a little weird." I shrugged. "Besides, I didn't think it was that important."

Blake let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his face. "I know why you would think that, but we're mates, nothing I weird anymore okay? And everything, and I mean everything, is important. For now on no more keeping stuff from each other." He said it so there was no room for argument. I just nodded, not wanting to fight with him over this.

We all decided to go back to the house and tell Joseph and Jasmine everything. I learned then that Blair had told the both of them about her and Tom being mates an I was relieved to see that they were both more than okay with it.

Joe said that he would do everything in his power to make sure nothing happens, but he told me not to worry, that I was probably just being paranoid- which made a lot of sense.

Joe told us that he would alert everyone that if they see anything suspicious, to alert him at once.

That night I fell asleep in Blake's arms, hyper aware of the tingling that happened when our skin touched. It seemed to be getting more and more prominent after each day I spent with him, getting more powerful with every touch. I was beginning to find that I couldn't go very long without touching him and it was physically impossible for me to sleep without him beside me.

My entire soul needed him and I was surprisingly okay with that.

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