Chapter 42

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Rose's POV

"I'll be back before you know it. Everything will be fine, I promise." Blake said for what felt like the millionth time this afternoon as he hugged me tightly, resting his chin on my head.

There were 200 men and women leaving, only 100 of is we're staying behind. I know I'm not the only one feeling this sense of utter panic and worry as some mates were being separated. There were hundreds of mated pairs that were going through the same thing. We knew it was dangerous and that filled us all with worry.

I couldn't help the few traitor tears that spilled over my eyelids. An utter sense of panic and worry has been plaguing me since the moment I woke up this morning. I knew it wasn't going to go away anytime soon but I wished it would.

"Just don't do anything stupid, okay?" I said, laughing nervously.

"You know me, Rose, I'm more likely than not going to do something stupid." He shrugged, a joking smile on his face.

I frowned. 'Why can't he take this seriously?'

'Because he's a guy, and all men love to fight. Especially werewolf men.' I could practically see my wolf rolling her eyes.

"That's not helping." I whined, both to Blake and my wolf.

Blake sighed," Of course I'll be careful. I have a family to come home to." He said as he reached his hand out and splayed his fingers across my flat stomach.

"There is no way I'm going to miss this." He wispered, a sweet smile spreading across his face.

Smiling up at him, I closed my eyes and breathed in his intoxicating scent. My wolf was pacing inside my head, wishing she could go with our mate. I would be completely on her side with this if it wasn't for our growing baby inside me.

"Just remember to stay inside the pack house. Don't step a single foot out that door until I come back. Trust me, I'll know if you did." He said sternly his face suddenly serious. I nod quickly but smile adoringly at him.

"You have nine months to become the fatherly figure, let's not push it." I warned, making him laugh.

Five minutes later and a lot of tears shed, Alpha Joe announced that it was time to go.

My eyes instantly burned once again with the threat of tears. "Be safe, come home to me. I love you so much." I said quickly, burying my face in Blake's chest.

He bent down, his hand lifting my chin up, and gave me a hard, passionate kiss that I readily returned.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips.

With one last hug I finally let him go. I stood on the porch of the pack house and watched as they all shifted into their wolf forms and tore their way through the feild and into the woods.

My pack was deadly, I knew that, but I still didn't know whether or not that would be enough and that's what worried me.

Blake's POV

As I left Rose behind with the rest of my pack, my wolf whined. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to stay by her side till the end of time. She is my one true love and I will do anything to protect her. Sadly, I can't always be next to her when I do.

But I can't wait to rip the throat out of her 'father' and see him fall lifeless to the floor. Thats the only way Rose will truley be safe. Everything that he has done to her, I will do worse. No one touches my mate. I was determined to kill him.

But as I made my way through the woods next to my father and ahead of the pack that will soon be mine, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going terribly wrong. Like I wasn't seeing somthing so obvious. I looked back towards the pack house just as it was disappearing behind all the foilage.

They'll be safe. My wolf assured me.

I turned back and growled, wanting to get this over once and for all. I took off as fast as I could go, my father falling slightly behind. Nothing is going to stop me now.

Rose's POV

Sitting by the window, I stared at the space in the tree line where I last saw my mate. It's been two hours since they left and I can't get rid of this horrible feeling. "Come on sweetie," Jasmine said, making me jump slightly. "it's best if you don't sit around waiting for them to come home. Trust me, I know."

"How do you do it?" I asked her as I turned my back towards the window to face her.

"Sit and wait like this?" She asked, I nodded,"It's very hard, I admit, but its so much easier if you keep your mind busy."

I shook my head, looking down. "How?"

Without answering Jasmine turned around and walked over to the tv. "How about a movie?" she asked as she plopped down on the couch.

I sighed and curled up on the couch next to her. I could hear some people in the kitchen cooking food for the little ones, with my heightened hearing I could hear more upstairs playing music or talking to one another. It seemed like most of them were used to all this. Sitting around and waiting for the unknown.

In my old pack we never got into fights with anyone. At least in my time. I had the feeling, though, that once our Alpha's hot tempered son got control the peace would end.

The sudden thought of Jake saddened me a little. Sure he was a jerk and a player but he didn't deserve to die the way he did. Thomas told me that the entire alpha family was murdered. That seemed to be the trend among all the packs that were attacked.

I never paid attention to whatever movie Jasmine put in, my brain was too buzzed with worry to focus on anything. Oh how I wish this could all end quickly. I need Blake.

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