Chapter twenty seven

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Rose has been gone for three days now and I haven't slept since then. How could I? I've spent these past 72 hours searching for who might have taken her or where she might be.

My father has tried to get me to sleep but I don't listen to him. It infuriates me that he thinks I could just lay down in my bed and relax while Rose is out there probably fighting for her life. And there's also the fact that I literally couldn't sleep without her by my side, even if everything was okay.

I'm currently running around no-man's land, land where no wolf packs have claimed, in my wolf form trying to smell some type of scent that could lead me to her. But I came up empty handed.

I could vaguely remember the smell of the human that stabbed me but, given that he's human, they probably drove wherever the hell they went. But even then, this dudes scent was no where to be found, even around the lake we were attacked by.

I found out soon after I woke up from passing out from blood loss that wolfsbane was on the knife the dark skinned man impaled me with, that was why I wasn't able to heal myself. My veins were running with the burning herb and if I didn't die from blood loss I was going to die from blood poisoning. It's amazing I was able to get myself back home.

That only infuriated me more. They know about hard kept secrets of the entire werewolf community, they seem to know all of our weak spots. I don't know how badly Rose can be effected my wolfsbane or if she was effected by it at all, but they better not be using it on her. What if they're running horrible experiments on her? She's all alone and most likely thinks I'm dead, I couldn't bare to think of Rose being dead, I wouldn't want to go on living. What if she thought I was dead and decided she didn't want to live anymore either. I'd lose her before I even got a chance to find her.

My eyes stung from tears threatening to come to my eyes. I quickly shook my head and ran back towards my territory.

When I reached my house I shifted back behind a big tree and pulled on basketball shorts. I walked up the porch steps and Blair quickly ran out the front door towards me.

"Did you find her?" She asked. I only glared at her as I stalked past. That should be answer enough for her.

I walked into my fathers office and closed the door. My dad was sitting behind his desk on the phone.

"Yes, she's been gone for three days now... Okay... Yes... Thank you Daniel." He said and hung up the phone.

"That was just Alpha Daniel from Yellow Moon pack. He said he hasn't come across any unfamiliar scents in or around his territory but he'll keep his eyes open and look for Rose."

I nodded. "Where's Thomas?" Rose's brother was rarely in the house these past few days and when he was he never left Blair's side.

"He went to the pack house to ask his mother where she would think Rose's kidnappers would be."

I only nodded again and turned to walk out of the office. "We'll find her." I said before I stalked out of his office and back outside to go search for my mate.

There is no way I'm going to lose her. I will search every corner of this earth if I have to.

"Blake!" I turned around at the sound of my mother's voice. She was running across the clearing towards me.

"Blake, honey, please, PLEASE, get some rest." She pleaded with me, tears brimming her eyes. "You won't be able to find Rose with you so tired." She reached out to take my hand but I pulled it away.

"I'll sleep when I find her." I said coldly and stormed off towards the woods to continue my search.

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