Chapter twenty nine

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After all the girls were brought out, Savannah, followed by five guards, walked into the clearing and made us all stand up. Ella was like glue to my side. This girl looked so bubbly when I first met her, now she was just a heap of fear.

Savannah looked at Ella like she was a piece of meat ready to be eaten. I immediately grabbed Ella's hand and pulled her more behind me, sending the devil woman the worst glare I could conquer up. Based on the look of fear that flashed through her eyes, I did a pretty decent job with my glare. 'Go me.' I mentally cheered myself on.

Looking away from me, Savannah started to pace in front of us. "You will be starting your training now. After the five hours you will be spending here,  you will be assigned your room. After that, you will go to the lunch room. You will all have a separate room under high security. So don't get any ideas." She said sternly, eyeing a few of us, including me and Jordan.

She turned and spoke to a guard. "Go get Kyle." I heard her say.

'Oh no. I really hope it's not the Kyle I'm thinking of...' Dread instantly filled me.

The guard hurried off to the door we originally came through and just a minute later he returned with the same dark skinned evil man that killed my mate. I felt my blood boil and I began to shake ferociously. From beside me Ella squeezed my hand tighter, trying to calm me down.

Kyle spotted me as soon as he stepped into the arena and sent me an evil smirk. Oh hell no. I began to walk forward but Erin and Jordan's hand shot out and grabbed each of my arms. I know I could've easily thrown them off me but they were right, I will die if I attack him right now.

An idea then popped in my head and I returned his evil smirk. 'All in good time.' I thought.

Training went by extremely slow. It didn't help that every chance he got, Kyle would push me to the near limit and almost make me attack him. I know I can take him. But I also know I can only take one bullet at a time and there were at least twenty armed guards lining the yard. Twenty wolfsbane covered bullets shooting into me at the same time? Doesn't sound like that much fun.

By the end of the five hours of hot torture, Savannah came out again and had us all line up against the wall. We still haven't seen the guys and I couldn't help but worry about them...

"At this time you will be assigned your rooms. When you get there you will shower and dress in the clothes laid out for you. After that you will meet with your father individually." She said and motioned for the guards to escort us away.

Just the thought of Sam and the fact that he was my 'father' made my blood boil. I have no idea how this meeting of his is going to go, but I know I want to get it over with as soon as possible.

We entered the same building we were held in before but this time we went the complete opposite direction we came from. Again I tried to memorize our way and I actually think I got it; left, down to levels, right, left, then strait on till you reach a hallway lined with heavy metal doors. Guess this is our rooms.

Since I was the first in the line, I was walked to the very end of the hall and stood I front of the heavy door. The guard typed in a code and the door popped open.

'Great. It's an electronically opened door. It's going to be a bitch to get out of here.' I thought. I got one last glance at my sisters before the guard shoved me in and locked the door behind me.

The room I was in was made of cinder blocks painted white and a sad excuse of a bed laid in a corner. It consisted of a mattress and a pillow and blanket. There was a door leading to another room I guessed was the bathroom.

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