Chapter ninteen

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Joseph walked down the steps towards Jackson and my mother, tension seemed to surround everyone. All the cars were stopped and all the adults were standing out of their cars but remained close just in case they needed to get back in quickly.

"Hello Alpha Redding, this is my wife and mate Jasmine." Jackson said as he shook Blake's father's hand and motioned to my mother, who has yet to see me even though I'm standing right in front of her.

Joseph laughed and replied, "Jasmine is my mates name also, here she is actually, honey?" He motioned for his mate to come down.

Slowly but confidently, Jasmine made her way down the steps with a warm smile on her face. "Hello" she said in her sweet warm voice as she took each of their hands in hers. "It's a pleasure having you and your pack here. I have a breakfast made up for everyone, I'm sure you all are terribly hungry after your long drive."

I smiled at how confident and proud Jasmine sounded as she talked to them. I would be lucky if I end up making half as good Luna as she is.

"Hello, and thank you kindly for opening up your home for us." Jackson said.

"You have such a lovely home." My mother said to Jasmine as she looked around the outside of the house and finally her gaze landed on me. She did a double take that would cause any normal person to get whiplash and her eyes widened.

I felt Blake's arms tense up around me as my mother whispered to Jackson and his eyes landed on me. I swear he was trying to kill me with the glare he was giving me. I felt my hands begin to shake as one by one, everyone in my old pack had their eyes on me. I clenched my hands in a fast to keep them from shaking. 'I'm not going to let them have this effect on me anymore' I thought confidently to myself.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I mean no disrespect at all, but why is my daughter standing on your porch?" My mother said, voice like ice.

I found myself cowering back into Blake's arms and Blake let out a low growl that everyone heard.

Joseph turned around and motioned for me Blake and Blair to walk to him. "I must introduce you to my son Blake, and my daughters Blair and Rose. I mean no disrespect either, but Rose is officially my daughter now, seeing that she is my sons mate." He said it with so much pride that it took everything inside me to not shed tears of joy at his words.

"I see.." Jackson trailed off and he gave me a calculating stare. I took a deep breath and glared right back at him.

"Hello Mr...?" Blake asked, holding out his hand.

"Vise. Jackson Vise." Jackson said through his teeth.

You could literally see the tension in the air now, it was thick and heavy and I hated it. "Hi mom, how you doing?" I asked my mother in the most polite tone I could muster at the moment, which wasn't very polite.

"I'm doing just perfect Rosalyn." She said coolly, using my full name for more impact.

"Wow, I'm really surprised you actually remembered my name. How long have I been gone? Or do you even care?" Wow, I'm getting pretty confident, I'm sure this is going to come back and slap me in the face.

"I don't need to answer to you." She spat, crossing her arms.

"You're unbelievable." I muttered before Joseph cut in.

"I hope her being here isn't an inconvenience to you, because she's not leaving." He said firmly. Blake's arms were still wrapped tightly around my waist, it seemed to be the only thing holding me up at the moment.

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