Chapter thirty eight

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I quickly got dressed in white shorts and a navy blue tank top and headed down with Blake to eat breakfast. Blake was practically dragging me down the stairs, his pace picking up once wale started to hear numerous voices in the kitchen.

When we entered the kitchen almost everyone was at the table with plates piled high. Blake looked around frantically but I couldn't find a pice of bacon that wasn't already on someone else's plate. I couldn't help but snicker at hopeless look on Blake's face.

"Blake, honey." Jasmine said in a sweet, knowing voice only a mother could have. I looked over the same time Blake did and saw Jasmine holding two plates full of food. One slightly fuller than the other.

Blake ran over and gave his mom a big kiss on the cheek. "I love you mom." He said as he grabbed both the plates.

He sat down and put the less full plate in my spot. "Thanks, babe." I laughed as I sat down next to him.

"Mhmm." He said already shoveling forkfuls of syrupy pancakes and bacon in his mouth.

I began to eat my syrup soaked pancakes and eggs. I avoided the bacon knowing when Blake gets done with his food here in a couple seconds he will want more.

As I ate I talked and laughed with everyone around the table. It made me happy seeing everyone so happy around us. Erin and Jordan not sat next to their mates looking blissfully happy.

Like I predicted Blake finished his food inhumanly fast and he began to eye my bacon longingly. "Blake, baby?" I asked in the sweetest tone I could muster.

"Yeah?" He looked at me with huge puppy dog eyes.

I picked up a piece of my bacon and dangled it between my pointer finger and thumb I front of his face. "Do you want my bacon?"

"You're serious?" He asked, hope in his voice.

I nodded enthusiastically, "mhmm!"

He grabbed my waist and gave me a kiss on the lips I instantly returned. "This is why I love you so much!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my four pieces of bacon.

"Awe!" Blair said from across the table. "You guys are so freaking adorable!"

I laughed along with the others and shook my head. We all finished our amazing breakfast chattering happily. I love this big group of people I call my family.

After helping Jasmine clean up Brendan walked up to me. "Rose, when do you think would be I good time for me to leave?" Brendan asked with desperation in his voice. He really needed to see his mate.

"Leave where?" Blake said as he came up behind me, snaking his arms around my waist and setting his chin on my shoulder.

"I have a mate in the Yellow Stone pack, only a few hours away from here. I'm going to take Shane and Erin with me. Of course if it's okay to go...?" Brendan explained, looking between Blake and I with a desperate look in his eyes. I looked to Blake and saw he had an unsure look on his face.

"Blake, he needs to go get her. Brendan will bring her back." I said. "You guys won't be gone for more than a day right?" I asked Brendan.

"If we leave now, we should get back around 9 or 10 tonight." He said matter of factly.

"Take some guards with you. You should talk to my father about who to bring." Blake said sternly. Brendan nodded and turned to go to the Alpha's office.

I turned to Blake and put my hands on his chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night."

"It's fine, baby." He said as he rubbed both my arms, giving me goose bumps.

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