Chapter nine

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I was on my way home, I've been driving for two days now without stopping. I just wanted to get home. My search was unsuccessful. I didn't even find a scent that was somewhat appealing. I was feeling hopeless, like I'd never find her.

I was angry and worried. 'What if she's dead?' I thought, my wolf whining just at the thought. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. 'She can't be.'

"Hey man, its okay, we'll find her." Mike said from the passenger side, he obviously sensed my inner turmoil.

"What if she's dead, man? What if someone killed her and I wasn't there to protect her?" I banged the steering wheel. I haven't even met this girl yet and she already had me going crazy for her.

"She's not dead, we just need a break from looking. I swear we will find her." He put a hand on my shoulder to give me some momentary support.

I just shook it off and stared ahead as I drove home.

I pulled up to my drive way after dropping Mike off at the pack house. I stepped out and grabbed my bag from the back seat. My mind was swirling of different possible places she could be, different scenarios of what could have happened to her. I was literally going crazy over not knowing what happened to her and why I have this odd shaped scar on my chest.

As I stood back up the wind blew an intoxicating scent my way. It smelled like strawberries with a hint of vanilla laced with it. I frowned, what was that? I smelled again and along with that same scent was another. It sort of smelled like a werewolf, but it also smelled like a human. 'What is THAT?' I thought and I felt my wolf stir within me. He's been unusually quiet since we found out about our mate, he's just as worried as I am.

I walked up the porch steps and opened the front door. The same scent just grew stronger, it was weird.

"Hey Dad, I'm home. Mom, Blair?" I called out.

"In here!" I heard my sister say. I walked through the kitchen and to the living room. The scent only grew stronger as I walked.

"Hey where-" I cut myself off. My eyes just landed on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had crystal blue eyes that just drew me in. Her brown hair was long and wavy, falling down her small frame. Small freckles sprinkled over her nose and cheeks. She was perfect.

"Oh, this is Rose. She's staying with us-" Blair said before I cut her off.

"Mate." I huskily said, my wolf almost taking full control now.

Rose's eyes widened as she looked at me. She slowly started to shake her head, she looked on the verge of tears. I took a step towards her but then she jumped up from the couch she was sitting on.

"I-I'm sorry," She stammered, "I have to go." Her voice was the softest, sweetest thing I've ever heard. She quickly sped away and I heard her run upstairs and shut a door, making me snap out of my trance her voice had me in.

I looked to Blair, her eyes were wide with shock, and her mouth was open in disbelief.

"S-She's your mate?" She asked as she pointed to where Rose left at.

"I guess so..." I whispered, looking towards the doorway that lead to the stairs. 'Why'd she leave?' I thought in confusion.

"Oh, boy." Blair laughed. "Aren't you in for one hell of a surprise."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

Blair gasped and covered her mouth, "that makes total sense now!"

"What makes sense?" I asked louder. She is so confusing me right now.

"She got shot the same day you got that weird feeling in your chest." She said as she pointed to me. "She got shot in her chest!" She jumped up, getting way too excited.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, she got SHOT!?" I yelled. I turned around and started to head up the stairs towards her.

Blair jumped in front of me, face the most serious I've ever seen it. "Don't go up there. Not yet." She said, putting a hand on my chest. This is whole new side of Blair that I've never seen.

"Why?" I asked. She knows she shouldn't keep a wolf- especially one with alpha blood in them- away from their mate, it could get violent really quick.

She sighed and dropped her hand. "It's a long story. But I guess since you're her mate you need to know." She walked around me and sat down on the couch. I followed her, wanting to here this long story she was talking about.

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