Chapter thirty two

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The smell of rubbing alcohol and the feel of scratchy material brought me back from the darkness I felt like I've been in for ages. 'Where am I?' I thought groggily.

I rolled over and immediately stopped, my head was pounding and my whole body ached fiercely, like I broke every bone in my body.

'Well you kind of did.' A voice in my head said.

That's not my voice. What the-?

'Of course it's not your voice stupid. I'm your wolf. I'm glad you can finally hear me. It's about damn time!' The voice practically yelled in my head, making me wince.

My wolf?

'Don't you remember anything? Kyle got you pissed off enough that you shifted. I don't know why you did, trust me, I was just as confused as you are. But I think it has something to do with our mate marking us.'

Well if this is my wolf, I'm going to forever have headaches.

'I heard that.'

I inwardly laughed and rolled my eyes. Is it crazy that I'm having a conversation with myself? I think it is...

A movement beside me had both my wolf and I on high alert.

"Rose?" A familiar voice whispered.

I opened my eyes as found myself in the mini doctors office I first met Jed in.

Jed was siting in a chair next to the cushioned table I was laying on. "What's going on?" I croaked out, slowly sitting up.

"You shifted." He said, his voice was laced with worry and awe.

"Yeah. I can feel that." I groaned as I sat up and slowly stretched my arms. I noticed I wasn't wearing anything and I quickly pulled the blanket that was on me tighter around my body.

"What do you remember?" Jed asked.

I thought back to everything and suddenly sat up straight. "Did I really kill Kyle?" I asked with a mixture of horror and pride.

Don't think of me as a bad person, wouldn't you want to kill someone if they killed the love I your life? I sure as hell would and I sure as hell did. Yes, I wasn't completely sure Blake was dead but I knew he was close it it when I left him. I felt my heart burn with pain at the thought of him.

"Yes and Sam is furious with you. He thinks you knew you could shift the whole time. Did you?" Jed's eyes were filled with worry.

I shook my head. "I'm only half werewolf, I've never been able to fully shift." I explained.

"Not anymore. You smell like a full werewolf to me."

"What? Really?" I smiled. This is great! Was it because of Blake marking me? Was that the push my body needed? Or was it this no stop training Sam had me going through? It that were the case then the others should be shifting anytime.

There was a loud pounding on my door. A distant 'hurry up' was yelled from behind it.

"I don't have much time. You're getting out tonight so be ready. I'll try to make it to where all of you can get out at the same time but you must promise me to come back. I need to save my family." The desperation in his voice in eyes was enough to make anyone want to cry.

I nodded furiously. "I promise I will. Just give me a week after I get out and I will come back with more people to help." I whispered, grasping his hand right in mine.

Jed handed me a slip of paper and kissed me on the forehead. "Be safe. And follow my instructions." He pointed to the paper.

I nodded and placed the paper under my leg just incase the guard came I'm here. He didn't though.

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