Chapter 39

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After the pack meeting where Joseph and Jasmine explained everything that they explained to Blake and I just before. There were a surprising amount of women going and it further pushed me to convince Blake that I should go with him.

Blake and I stayed at the pack house for several hours after the meeting and we ended up eating lunch there. It was nice to be able to grow closer and connect with the pack members. It made me even more excited to be their future Luna, leading them someday. I can only hope to be half as good as Jasmine.

After a while we moved our conversations to the living room where I sat on Blake's lap while listening to his deep voice as he talked to Tom. Noticing that I was falling asleep in his lap, Blake decided it was time for us to head home. We said our goodbyes and headed to the trail in the woods that led to the Alpha house I have now come to call home. Blake was currently carrying me in his arms as he trudged through the woods. I was struggling to keep my eyes open and apparently he noticed since he started to laugh at me.

I smiled at his laughter, his deep laugh always making me happy. I've found that I crave his laugh just as much as I crave his touch, I don't know how I went through life without either. I was smiling sleepily at him until he abruptly stopped walking and his laughing ceased. I looked up at him in confusion and saw that he had the same confused look on his face.

"Blake, Baby?" I asked as I reached my hand up and placed it on his cheek, turning his head to face me. "Whats wrong?"

"Do you hear that?" he asked quietly as he moved his head around to hear better and sniffed the air.

"I don't hear anything. What are you talking-" I asked but was cut off by Blake's finger in my face to quiet me.

"Shh. Don't say anything." He whispered. "It sounds like a heart beat."

I felt my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. 'Heart beat? What is he talking about?' I asked my wolf.

'You'll see.' I could feel the humor in her voice. 'Listen closely.'

I mentally rolled my eyes. Why couldn't she just give me a strait answer? I complied though, she's usually always right.

I listened hard for the heart beat-like sound Blake was hearing. I heard the heart beat of Blake's heart, steady and strong, and mine along with it. I was about to ask Blake again about this mysterious sound but stopped.

At first, I thought it was the sound of a bird beating its wings against the wind to gain altitude but as I listened closer I realized that the sound was much more precious than that. I creased my forehead and listened harder.

It was faint yet strong and consistent. It beat a little faster than the in-sync beats of mine and Blake's, the effect of a mating bond that happens with all mated pairs.

I looked to Blake and saw several emotions swimming in his eyes; pride, excitement, fear, hope, but mostly love.

"What is that?" I asked him quietly.

Blake was quiet for the longest time, I began to think he wasn't going to answer. He looked deep in my eyes as if searching for something but I didn't know what. He then looked down to my belly in wonderment.

'What's going on?' I asked my wolf but got no response.

Blake opened his mouth and the words that came out had both our hearts skipping a beat.

"I think you're pregnant." He said, pride filling his voice.

All I could do was blink back at Blake, absolutely surprised by his statement. I couldn't be pregnant, could I?

Millions of thoughts and emotions rushed through my mind as Blake hurried us to the house. Aren't the women supposed to be the first to know if they're pregnant? Aren't we supposed to plan out some big scheme to tell the father of the child and surprise him? Do I even want a baby?

That last question immediately had me feeling guilty. Of course I do... I've always dreamt of being a mother. The thought of seeing myself with that perfectly round belly, glowing with happiness, anticipating the moment when I could hold that sweet baby in my arms for the first time had always brought a smile to my face. But I never expected all this to happen so soon...

Lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't notice the sleek black car in the drive way. I don't think Blake noticed at all as he didn't even pause as he made his way around the stranger vehicle, up the steps of the porch and through the front door into the warm house.

There was loud excited talking coming from the living room that didn't even phase Blake as he carried me to the Alpha's office. Blake opened the door, setting me down as he shut the door. I saw Jasmine sitting on Joseph's lap talking quietly, looking at him worriedly.

"Mom, Dad." Blake said with urgency. I couldn't place what emotion his words were laced with but is sounded a lot like... hope?

Both their heads snapped towars us. "Yes, sweetie?" Jasmines sweet, but tired sounding voice rang out.

"Could you call the Pack Doctor? Tell her its urgent." I rolled my eyes at Blake's definition of urgent.

Joe immediately became alert as well as Jasmine, both looking us over from head to toe from where they were. Once they were done with their inspection, they let out a relieved sigh from the absence of any blood or other injuries on the both of us.

"Why, whats wrong?" Joseph asked, standing up from his chair.

"Nothing is wrong, Blake is just over reacting." I said dismissively, waiving my hand dismissively.

Blake looked at me, countless emotions contorting his face. I took a second to study his features.

Those amazing green eyes that I can't help but melt for. His forehead was creased with worry, scrunching his thick eyebrows together. His plump lips were relaxed into a slight frown and I instantly found myself wanting- needing- to have my lips attached to his.

I noticed myself staring desperately at his lips in need until an almost distant sounding voice broke me out of my trance.

"Rose?" the voice said, sounding far away.

"Rosalyn" Jasmine said with amusement as she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

My head instantly turned to her. Joe and Jasmine had both come around his desk and were now standing a few feet away from Blake and I.

"Oh, sorry." I said, blinking my eyes a few times.

"Would you care to explain what is it my son thinks is so urgent?" Joseph asked. I opened my mouth to answer but Blake spoke for me.

"We were walking back from the Pack house when I heard a small, slightly faster heart beat. And unless there was some small animal hiding right next to us and we didn't see or smell it, it seems that Rose may be pregnant." He said, his voice getting quieter towards the end. There was so much excitement in his voice, like a child on Christmas morning. I found myself smiling warmly up at him.

After a long pause, I was about to repeat what my mate said until a very high squeal came from Jasmine.

I looked over at her and she was literally vibrating with joy. Her hands were laced together and placed in front of her smiling lips as she slightly jumped up and down. Joseph walked over with a huge grin on his face.

"I think you're right in assuming that, my son, but I'll call the Doctor so she can come and tell us for certain." He said as he gave Blake a pat on the back as Jasmine came bouncing over and giving my an excited hug.

All I could think about as we left the office was the baby and whether or not we were ready for all of it.

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