un-edit. Chapter 1: Welcome to Yokohoma, hope you like superpowered people.

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IN A SMALL HOSPITAL in (your town name), a couple blessed with the birth of a baby girl with soft ebony hair and blue eyes. They named her (y/n) (last name).

Two loving parents, Eleanor (l/n) and Harold (l/n). She had five older siblings and lived in a normal household.

If you didn't count the largest house that takes up two halfs of a block with a fancy garden and her new parents had a lot of money.

She was blessed with a good home and being raised by good people. Although, It felt as if something was missing from your life.

It wasn't until you had reached the age of five that the memories of your past life surfaced, the depression and with them the tragic death, even the brief encounter with an entity of death.

Yes, there was sadness and grief. But you quickly accepted and moved on from it. It'd be your little secret.

In this world, people possessed superpowered abilities. Each was unique and had their pros and cons.

Eleanor possessed a plant-based ability, Vine Whip. self-explanatory, be able to draw vines from the ground and use protect, or trap enemies. Your father and older brothers were normal.

Much to surprise your parents' surprise when your ability awoke and lit a single candle. It was beautiful, but it could also had it's own dangers too.

Worried for your safety. They got an old friend from Japan to teach you self-defense and control over your ability. He'd transform into a cat and sit there watching you do ten laps to twenty. As you got older, your ability would grow too.

You'd heard stories from your favourite cousin Yamazaku Tomie, who was related through your mother's side about a dark war and strange phenomenon.

An image of a teenager with dark hair and bandages in a dark trench coat came to your mind. Strange feelings you didn't understand.

Who was he?


AT A LARGE AIPORT. Crowds of passengers exited one of the aircraft's terminals, among them, a young lady with a carry bag. Her blue eyes took in her new bearings. She could hear the voice of the pilot and air hostess over the intercoms as she went through the small gateway to exit.

" Welcome to Yokohoma. Thank you for choosing (name of airlines). Enjoy your stay!"

You were brought into memory of a month ago...

Since you were reaching the age of maturity in your home country, you were newly graduated last year and already independent.

You had planned to move out on your own and get a job overseas somewhere. It was a good time my favourite cousin found out and invited you to stay with her in the country of Japan. Blessing in disguise.

For reason unknown, you had always wanted to live in the country and meet new people. To find a place to call home.

So it came to your parents' surprise and horror to learn you were leaving. They tried to convince you to stay, a place in their company. But you already had already made-up your mind. You could only imagine in their minds that you were still their little girl.

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