Season 2 Chapter 6. FINALE.

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After Atsushi nearly fell off one of the wings of the whale aircraft, Atugawa used his ability to save him and bring back safely on top.

The young men would combine their abilities whilst you came up behind and used either your swordsmanship skills or little fire flower ability.

The three fought bravely against a one man with confidence with armor. He'd be able to beat them.

His financial bank ran out of money. He'd become broke. This was the chance they'd been waiting for. They gave one final blow.

The man known as Gerald fell back against the side of the structure and fell off the side until he was out of sight.

Although they'd won against the Guild leader. Y/n had a feeling it wouldn't they saw of him.

Y/n caught their breath, sweat on their forehead, future bruises, and the stab wound bound up on their leg.

There wad the matted of the bomb device for them to deal with. Atugawa had managed to sneak it off the leader before their fight. Handed it over to Atsushi.

There was a device to deactivate the descent of the Moby's dick vessels, and certain had individual hacked into it.

The three of you and Herman were in a control room. The hacker had already beaten them to the punch again and rotated the crash sequence there before your arrival. You went forward and tried hacking into the system. Only to be denied. It seemed certain someone's skills surpassed your own blocked you.

That man was good.

Plan A failed. You moved into Plan B.

You tapped away and new information on the screen, when yiu found what you were looking for, a small smile graced your lips.


Hack into the prison vessal Kyoko was in and connect the radio communication between vessels.

Kyoko had made her choice. The only way to save Yokohoma and divert the direction of the vessel was to use the prison plane to hit the whale vessel.

It was dangerous as she'd put her own life on the line. But you had faith in the young girl.

Do what she has to do.

You and the other three evacuated the vessel and jumped out the plane. 

Safe distance You'd pulled the string attached to the backpack and made a slow descent towards the water below.

You all could only watch as the plane charged full speed towards the larger aircraft and crashed into the control room, setting off an explosion, and it dropped into the ocean below.

Sadness but little hidden pride, she'd be alright.

That's when you heard the sound of older man grunting. You turned to see the old ability the user's parachute had given out. Your body acted before you could, grabbing the man's arm and pulling close to you.

You both landed in the water with a soft splash, you unbuckled strap, and helped him get to shore, even if it was doggy paddle. Made sure he got out before you.

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