Chapter 7 Lemons vs firworks, whose is stronger?

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In one of the tallest buildings of Yokohoma, a man with a black trenchcoat and gelled back hair sat on his office.

Akugawa reported the small run. I'm with the arms detective agency and came back empty-handed without the weretiger. But he could be linieuntant. He was one of the best of the best ability users in the city.

Then there was a dark-haired girl. She had dwarfed an attempt to get to the boy and defeated some of his henchmen.

If he wanted to stop her dwarfing his plans to capture the weretiger. He would need to enlist the help of that young man. It's not the best, but he got the work done.

"Capture (Last name) (y/n) alive and bring her here."


I could've gone with dazai and got myself caught by the mafia.

What's the point of being chained up in a dirty basement? One many people had either trained as mafisco or seen a lot of death inside.

Would get away Scott free, but the other issue. Considering I went against their shadow dog Akugawa of all people and survived the encounter.

There's a chance they'd try to keep me there until I die or try to force me to join their organisation against my will. For both ability and related to my family.

No, thank you. Prefer not to get my hands dirty, not even with the blood of innocents. That's put me on the same level as the scumbags who abused and killed me.

Why did I go with the agency doctor and Atsushi. Well, it's not like I got a choice.

Earlier this morning, I had been asked by Kunikida-san to teach atsushi how to use self-defense. His ability can only go so far. It is best to teach him hand to hand combat to defend himself. To build stamina, strength, and reflex.

I had him doing exercises and running laps around the block of his apartment block without using his ability. While following behind with a whistle.

For some reason, I took out my phone thinking g I could play music only to see the closed (favourite colour ) block of metal. It clicked.

remember I was in time flip phones were common place. Mobile touch screens or tablets hadn't even been  invented yet.

These suck!

This was not the first time it had happened to your name. It had happened at oddest moments since her rebirth. she'd thought she'd re trained herself to have better self-control than distraction.
But sadly, old habits die hard. She tucked her phone away.

She'd come to appreciate being in the present and being face to face with people and making those connections. To see the beauty in everything the world had to offer.

Living in a fictional world. It was far more beauty to it than what what a manga or anime could be written or seen on screen.

Running through the streets after the were- tiger who was puffing for breath, she yelled for him to keep going. Another mile.

"Hai!" He said with silently teaeing up, his muscles screaming at him to stop, take a break but kept going. Panting between steps.

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