Season 2 Ch. 3 (un-edited)

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When y/n came to, they were laying on their side, little disoriented and ringing sound in their eyes. Blink a few times.

Dazai and ango slumped in thwir seats. Y/n sat up and leaned between the seats, lightly shaking Dazai's shoulder.

He moved his head to the side, his eyes twitching, and you knew Dazai was coming to.

You both turned towards Ango, the car dented inwards he'd been trapped in his seat and experienced the worst out of you three. He had some nasty cuts and possible injuries. He was unconscious.

You and Dazai worked to get seatbelt off and slowly ease him out of the wreckage and lay him safely against the side of the road on his side just in case. 

You got your phone out. It was cracked down the middle but still usable. Just as you were about to dial the emergency number, Dazai put a hand over yours and shook his head.

Dazai's arm was dislocated.

She warned him to brace himself, about to say something when y/n swift pressed down on the shoulder and moved with a loud pop. He barely flinched.

Y/n grabbed a bandage from a pocket and set a makeshift bandage to help support Dazai's shoulder.

"You don't seem to just know cpr,  but it seems good at first aid, too."

A compliment from Dazai. I'm sure a lot of fans would kill to hear his praise.

You simply nodded. "Arigato. "

Another part of Yokohoma. 

Kyoko had been in hiding and came to rescue Atsusho from Gerald from the Guild and escape.

Safely under the bridge  he'd asked her where she'd been. She'd been wondering in some of her old haunts but didn't belong there anymore.

They saw the policemen car pull up, and two cops exited. They  were concerned for Atsushis wellneing ag first, but once the walk talkie beeped and update of a killer on the loose.

They tried to run. But it was all in vain. The rich man and one of his associates captured the weretiger. A giant whale emerged from the river and boarded it.

Leaving Kyoko on the docks surrounded by a squadron of police units to corner and arrest her on the spot.

On the white whale aircraft, Atsushi came to and was immediately brought to Rich man's attention.

Speaking of a book possessesion with an ability user and he was the guide who could find the mysterious ability user with the book.

Atsushi didn't know what the man was rambling about. He refused to cooperate in the search. He was apprehended and thrown into a jail cell.

The red-haired girl with braided pigtails appeared outside his cell door with snotty air he'd been caught.

The two would connect over the common moment of their childhoods.

The red-haired girl brought him into her ability space and offered him a parachute.

If he wanted to escape, he'd have to exit the door and jump.

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