Bonus Chapter: Barge into workplace with guns? HOT order coming right up!

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A/N: Takes place during PM attack on the ADA and an exclusive chapter before things start before a certain case.




It was near mid-day and the morning rush had long since cleared up, it would be another two hours until the next round of brunch or lunch crowd came in, which meant a lot of time to keep busy until then.

The bell tinkled overhead, and a familiar figure entered.

Dazai had come in and taken a table by the window. My cousin nodded towards him.

"You serve Osamu, your name. I'll be helping wash the dishes." I simply nodded, picking up a jug of water and  and served him. He has  a smile, and thanks.

He took her hand in his own, staring into my eyes, and asked once more to commit suicide with him.
"Nope. " I said. He ordered a drink and went to make it. His eyes were on her back.

She brought over a mug of freshly made coffee, and he reached to grab it.

"Careful, you'll get burnt."  Tje dark haired msle draw closer to me. "It'd be an honour to be burnt by a beautiful belladonna as you. "

Something tomd her he wasn't talking about the drink, referring to what he saw the other day?

But he didn't know being burnt alive wasn't all cracked up to be. Your cousin told him to stop flirting with your name. won't let him have her. To reminder, he hadn't paid his tab yet.

That got your attention quick.  "Is that so?" The dark-haired girl said. Kindly recommend you to the insurance provider or contact Fukizawa to direct pay checks to Urazika every yen until return what you owe.

"So scary. But that is what makes you so interesting, your name." First, he used her name.

She was about to make another sarcastic remark when she saw movement outside the window and turned to see several men with dark suits and sleek black guns walk by.

She didn't like the feeling got from them. silenlty , pulled from his seat and directed behind the counter where her manager and cousin with another employee were working. They, too, had noticed the unusual customers but kept calm. Dazai ducked down.

If there was ine thing, she'd learnt feom fiction AND Fukizawa.

It was Mafia dont take kindly to desserters or former members joined opposing agencies. They'd make an example out of him as a warning for others to think before crossing their people.

Kindly ask not to burn the shop down. It's due for an inspection and can't afford any damages. Her boss, Seke said. "Hai." Your name replied. Her eyes never left the men as they entered the cafe. Her cousin, employees with Dazai, and manager slowly backed into office and locked the doors.

But the girl knew the meaning behind the words. Seke He'd given expressed she should defend herself and ability if necessary.

She'd do her best not to set the place ablaze. It's be bad if she lost her new job on her third day.


The said men had approached the counter trying to get my attention.

Putting on your best professional and warm smile turned around and greeted the mafisco. "Good morning, gentlemen. How may I help you today?" I greeyed the men they remain expressionless.

" Which one is your name, last name?"  The first one asked. That's when I knew we weren't here for an order.

Three days ago certain mafia had declared an attack on the agency unless Atsushi handed himself over....It doesn't take a genius to figure someone informed them about your connection to the agency or it was little trick you did. Secondly, there must be. Others must've gone upstairs. You discreetly put on a pot of coffee to boil.


Atsushi had been acting strange since that fight with Akugatawa. Was it possible he blamed himself for putting other members in danger? Or tried to take matters into his own hands? Even worse, he'd hand himself over and everything be fine?

Nothing is ever that easy. You could only hope he'd be okay and come back soon.

"Ah, so you'd like your order EXTRA HOT. Coming right up. "

"What? No, I meant..." They didn't get to finish, You stepped out from behind the counter with Stern look on your face.

The men looked into your eyes with cold, calm fury, and flame flowers appeared in your hands. One of them had the bright idea to shoot at you, only for the bullet to turn to melted metal on the floor.

This was the day mafisco henchmen learnt valuable lessons, never go after a fire ability user.

(Leave it to your imagination what went down. ^_^ Author doesn't intend to reveal fight scene until the grand finale of season 1.  )


The door tinkled, and armed agency embers came to see if the staff were alright and saw chaos.

Furniture had been knocked over, and many people sprawled around on the furniture, on the floor,
One dangling from the ceiling by their belt loop. Burnt clothing. One with a hot cup of coffee dripping down their face with rolled back whites of their eyes showing. All passed out from shock.

"What happened here?" Some people had decided to cause trouble. I dealt with them."

"You dealt with them?"

I'm going to clean up this mess. Cousin had gotten kenji to help throw the trash out onto the kerb, alongside more of their mafia kinsmen and assassins. beaten to a pulp.

What I did was nothing compared to ADA members did to them. I didn't want to know. But I could imagine the comedy side of it.

I was simply a citizen who had an unfortunate run-in with the mafia.

Dazai came out of the office cheery mood, ticking Kunikida.

End of Chapter 3.

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