S2. Chapter 2 (un-edited)

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Mori had made his move to send two of his men, destroying the guilds ship, its crew, and two ability users with it.

Chuuya was sent as an envoy to speak to Fukizawa about the hidden trap the mafia had set to draw two of the guild members in. Yodano and Kenji sent to intercept and fight him.

Using two of the employees.

As for the cat with orange and white fur with dots. You recognised ot to be the same one that used to hang around Lupin during Dazai's dark era days.

It was adorable. It seemed familiar.

Team one was their way to try evacuating the employees and save them from the Guild members.

The two would catch the train to the station, and Q intercepts them.

Dazai made his excuse to use the loo, I played along, cupping my hands over my mouth and told him to hurry back soon.

Leaving me alone with Atsushi awaiting g the trains arrival.

He'd meet with two mafia members, pass on a message from Mori, and distract him.

The girla and woman exited the train, greeting you both and introduced Q. He had an innocent smile but knew a darker personality lay within.

He used his ability on you both, and you were pulled into memory lane.

You were brought to memory of past life, and your patents abused you.  Never good enough for them. To last day of old life. The day you were burnt alive and died.

You weren't your past self anymore. You were brought into your current life.

Thn moments from your childhood. Your parents' rising business, it drew unsavoury and shady characters who wanted to exploit it.

You've been kidnapped more than once as a hostage and ransom when you were younger. The verbal abuse. The name is calling.

But you'd been through worse and endour long enough for help to arrive. Other time since training with your sensei. You had to fight your way out and come home with bruises.

You used a hidden pocket knife to slash a cut upon your arm, little pain, but it was enough to snap you out of it.

You'd sooner hurt yourself than hurt the people you cared about. Turn to shoot a sharp glare at the with brown and white hair with strange eyes.

He hadn't expected you to break out of it so soon. He'd enjoyed seeing you cry your eyes out.

Atushi was still trapped by Q's mental ability. He'd already knocked an employee out and tried to strangle the other.

You jumped in and tackled him away from her, knocking your friends to the ground and pinned him down.

Dazai destroyed the toy, but the kid had long since boarded the train and enthusiastically waved as if he hadn't mind control Atsushi to hurt agency workers. And promised future game with Dazai.

Dazai came back and wasn't happy with Atsushi. His head in the past self. Dazai slapped him in the face, snapping him put off that traumatised state back to the present. Flinched at the pain.

He'd need to learn mental control.

They noticed you had a cut on your leg but brushed it off. It was nothing. You'd been through far worse than this.

A station employee bandaged your flesh wound up. It'd heal in time.


You chose to accompany Dazai. For moral support and because He wasn't the only one who wanted a word with a certain individual.

Pulled uo in underground car park, you both were the only two there and awaiting person.

A black vehicle pulled up and figure steppes put, flash of round glasses against the light and serious expression.

Man in two-piece suit, with hair odd angles and round glasses. Ango.

He came with backup in darker suits and shades. If you had to guess, they were his bodyguards

You let Dazai say what he needed to say to the man. They were drinking buddies once. " Long time no see Ango."

He hasn't forgotten what he did bit set it aside. There was more important matters to discuss concerning the Guild.

Ango got into the black vehicle, Dazai took a shot gun in the passenger seat, and you slipped into the back seat. Buckling in your seat belt.

Ranpo looked at me in the review mirror. Recognising you.

"Miss. Last name, your name. "

"Mr. Rando." I gave a small nod.

Past time saw him. His name rang a bell bit since I recalled last life. Remembered ango ran his own secret organisation but had been a spy, infiltrating organisations to keep tabs on them.

I'm not happy with what he did to Oda during the dark era, but I wasn't there when it happened and no connection to them back then. It wasn't my place to judge.

Had I been in his shoes, I would've done whatever it takes to survive. 

Dazai noted know one another.

"As I'm an ability user and moved to Japan. Transferred and registered as an ability user with special circumstances. "

"I'm the agent that was placed in charge of overseeing your name." Ango mentioned.
Although lot of paperwork.

I'm sorry.

Dazai figured ango was the one who granted permission for your name to use ability in the Uzumaki and agency workplace.

Guild had immunity. Above the law.
Ango gave warning that the agency was in danger.

Vehicle speeding towards us. Only seconds until collusion. Braced myself. Collided into the side of the vehicle and was hit against the metal railing.

END of Season 2 Chapter 2

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