Season 4 (heavily un-edited)

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A/n: Long chapter ahead.

It was a week after the cruise that the news of your engagement with Osamu Dazia was official. It had happened so fast.

Registering at town hall. Your cousin was happy for you.

The dreaded moment your parents and relatives found out. Pleasantries.

In a rtpucla Dazai fashion, he hadn't asked for their consent. They didn't need to. You were old enough to make your own decisions.

Life was peaceful.

As the old saying goes, all good things have to come to an end.

Your name sat on a soft, fluffy cloud of a chair with table with a cup of hot coco and plate of (favourite food) before you.

Sitting in the seat opposite from you was a robbed figure with a golden halo that was vaguely familiar.

"Greetings. Long time, no see, "

A light bulb lit over your head.

Hang on. You knew that voice.

" You're the entity from before that helped recarnage me."

The figure clapped their hands in delight. I'm happy to see I hadn't forgotten them.

"Why am I here. Am i still dreaming"

"You are dreaming on the surface. A drema within a dream in a special place.

Normally, once someone is reborn into their new life. We no longer have any insolvent with them. But you are a special case. Fates to be with Osamu. I've been watching over you for a while and grown beyond your past. Proud grandpa figure. 

Something is coming. One that could shake up the foundations of Yokohoma and ability users in it. And possibilities the world plunges into chaos.

Relayed to the fourth season of Bungo Stray Dogs onwards. Was there a fifth season after I passed.

I died before it aired.

"It's better that I show you. "He pressed a single gloved finger to touch my forward. A clash of images flowed into my mind. I put a hand over with gasp tears, filling my eyes.

The award. The strange figures in the shadows... the agency... oh kamisama no... a squad... The book... Dazai... 

I looked at the entity.

"Why are you showing me this? Coukd have left me naive. "

"It did not feel right to stand by and watch you get dragged into the conflict."

"The agency face theirs. Your mission is different. You'll have to leave the city and return to your homeland. There is much to do and prepare for the times to come. People you must protect.

"The memories are not the only thing. I have bestowed you with another ability. One that'll aid you in times of need and protect against threats in your old world. I believe your people called it a shield or forcefield? It'll come in handy."

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