Chapter 9: Burning ship

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It hadn't been long after our fight against the mafisco ability users and revealing my secret to Tomie.

It had been a heavy weight on my shoulders since the start of life and carried it for almost nineteen years of my life. No longer alone.

She was saved and brought in. She technically became a traitor of the port mafia and wanted by the police for the murders. A girl lived in the shadows of the port mafia expectations didmt know. Atsushi would become her light to guide her out. She had a choice.

By now, they've been out to a Japanese restaurant to fulfil Yoka's request, Kunikda pulling Atsushi aside to tell him he needed to take her to the police station.

Atsushi had accidentally asked her out on a date and sught-seeinh, trying crepe and arcade. It was everything she could've asked for and warmth. Bit reality set in and prepared to hand herself over to the police, not be a burden on others and responsibly for the lives she'd taken.

Atugawa showd up, kidnapping Atsushi with henchmen, and took Kyoka with them.

Fukizawa came into the store asking after me. "Did he say what it was about?" Your name had asked her manager  he only replied Fukuzawa said it was urgent. She took off her apron.

She cane out from behind the counter and greeted the older man in traditional japanese yukuta and robes.
"How may I help? "

" I need your assistance for rescue mission. Atsushi has been kidnapped by the port mafia."

Your name knew this would happen bit didn't know how much impact being a friend of his. She pulled together and agreed to come. 

The sister and him walked into the room to confront the others. Atsushi may have a bounty in his head, but he was still one of them.

That's why he's asked a certain omekme to join in on rescue mission. He turned and nodded. I entered the room and  caught others' attention.

"Your name? "

"Fukaza-san asked me to be here. Atsushi kun is my friend as much as your coworker. If you have a chance to get Atsushi back safely, I'm in. Fought Atuh

Our mission was to save Atsushi from the one and only shadow called Akugawa. Who possessed the ability to use his cloak to attack.  But i intended to help save Kyoko.

I ran out of the office at Kunikida's heels and headed towards the shipping dock, where a small boat was ported. It belonged to the agency. Kunikida rook tje wheel, I grabbed a jacket and slipped it on over my work uniform.

I may have been taking swimming lessons as of late, but I wasn't about to take chances. Grabbed the side of the sea  motorboat and held on tight.

Atusishi wad about to wake up. Whilst elsewhere Dazai was fighting with Chuuya with their reunion. I would've loved to bring popcorn and recorded Chuuyas girl pose on my phone.

To Dazai soon being on his way to the maria's archive to uncover the identity of the buyer and one responsible for bounty on the weretiger aka Atsushi Naka.

We pulled up alongside the cargo ship, looking upwards to see dark smoke billowing out and ash. An explosion.

Atsushi and Kunikda are going back and forth. He could have jumped down and escaped with Kunikida and I and make it back safely. But that wasnt who he was.

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