special chapter Vacation (un-edit)

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Set at the end of season 3 before season 4 arc. Enjoy!

Uzukmaki had been closed for the weekend to have a group retreat to the springs. And (Y/n) was looking forward to catching up with theor cousin, Tomie. Between work, love life, and the cases. Despite living in the same place. The two had been working or in and out the apartment with sticky notes as their only interaction.

It was to be expected as you now had a boyfriend and friends among the detective arms agency members. You were an Honorary member, after all.

In light of recent events wirh the attack on your boss, workplace, and intense case. Your boss had decided staff, and you needed a break away from the action and got to know new coworker Lucy.

He organised a staff only vacation at a nice resort by the beach. It was a half a days travel there.

It had been years since you'd gone to a beach and looked forward to it. and research of the local hot spots and sightseeing. Excited was an understatement. You were excited.

You'd gone shopping with the girls to pick out nice beach wear and a lovely (f/c) dress to wear for the outing.

The first sight of the beach took your breath away, pristine blue eagerness against the shore, clear azure skies without a cloud to be seen, white sand that stretched for miles and warm sunshine cascading down from the heavens.

It looked like absolute paradise.

You'd be sharing a room with Tomoe and the rest of the cafe hostesses. As for the men wouod be sharing a room nearby.

Once things dropped off. Uzamaki staff amd dark haired beauty decided to go sightseeing in the small coastal town and grab souvenirs, taste the local cuisine, and encounter friendly locals.

All was peaceful.

Or so you thought.

That was until you heard a familiar voice shouting your name.

You turned to see a certain crown of chocolate brown hair in the distance, running towards you at top speed, his beige trenchcoat billowing behind him.


Barking at his heels with a green book was an older man with blinde hair in a ponytail, glasses and teacher business suit was Kunikida.

The brown haired hair crashed into you, in slow motion, wrapping his arms around your waist and turning around. You both crashed to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

Looked down to see Dazai's eyes staring into your own.

Your legs are between his own. Your cheeks became warm. He smirked at you.

Looked up to see my favourite suicide maniacs' eyes.

The scruff of his trenchcoat was yanked back  and yanked into the air by no other than his colleague Kunikoda Doppo. Lecturing the male for running off without warning

People were staring at you three. You cleared your throat and mentioned the audience. Not time and place.  He let go of the collar, and his  boyfriend landed on the ground gracefully.

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