Season 3 Chapter 1

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In a small cafe named, Uzumaki. Soft sunlight cake through the window. A young woman with shiny black hair wiped down one of the counters.

Dazai ordered a coffee. Your cousin bluntness about his overflowing tab and life issuance. He turned his pleading chocolate brown eyes to you. Begging you to save him from her wrath.

Your gaze turned cold. "No." 

Dazai placed a hand over his heart. Pretending to be hurt, his own girlfriend ganging against him. But his eyes sparkled mischievously. He likes this bossy side of you.

Atsushi had been assigned to assist one for the members on an investigation.

In light of the Moby's Dick incident. Several organisations within and internationally have been coming into Yokohoma in hopes of reaping any remains of anything the Guild left behind.

In your past life. You remembered this moment from the shoe and always thinking of what if the people were to obtain possession of important Guild documents or documents. In the wrong hands they'd be turned into lethal weapons.

You debated whether to kwntion this small concern but thought better of it
Some things had to remain the same in the timeline.

For a brief second, you saw a shadowy figure lurking outside the cafes fogged glass window. It was only a minute but enough to notice the outline appeared to be masculine build.

A spy.

You wanted to tell the agency members there was an enemy outside that door. Tjey coukd go out there and srop them before they can escape.

It was too risky. A small detail of maintaining a timeline required them to be there at that exact moment.

Unbeknownst to you Dazai noticed your attention was elsewhere and turned to see the same shadow. He got up fro. His seat, sau tearing over to you and titled your chin up. Pecking your lips with hos own.

The shadow disappeared from view.

Your manager sent you on an errand for a short amount of time. When you returned with a full bags of grocceries.

Sense of dread filled your gut.

Something was very wrong. Slolwy placed the bag down to the ground, mindful to keep it in a hidden spot.

You were soon joined by some of the agency members, who had chosen to arrive at the scene. One look at your grim expression had them on edge.

"Y/n-chan? Is everything okay?" Yosano asks, you gave a small shake of your head. "Somethings not right." You said.

"How so?"

"A feeling. Its too quiet."

You withdrew the gun from its holster facing it down near your feet, your back against the brick wall, mentally backing yourself. At Yosanos signal, Atsushi opened the door and barged in.

The cafe looked like a tornado come through breaking everything apart.

Chairs and tables had been turned over, drinks spilled upin the sleek wooden countertop, dripping onto the polished floorboards and unknown red liquid.

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