Season 2 Ch.4 A One Night only alliance. (un-edit)

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In a garden, a man in green and black yukuta with wooden sandals was taking an afternoon stroll and saw a black cat on the brick wall.

It was kawaii. He wanted to use his cat toy to pat the cat, but it sadly turned around and hopped off the wall.

On the surface, his face was neutral but beneath small sadness. He'd really wanted to play with the cat.

Turned to see two people, one was his newest employee within the agency employee, Atsushi.

The other was an honorary one, l/n, y/n. Both wore poker faces on their faces.

You thought the cat was adorable, too. Maybe one of these days you'd invite Fukizawa to the cat Cafe.


In mafia headquarters, Mori was having a private meeting with one of his executives and employees about a certain matter when an orange haired woman with stunning sunset pink yukuta walked in with her umbrella.

She'd been freed from the agency office, but in exchange, she had to bring an envelope addressed to Mori.

The contents of the letter piqued his interest.


Dazai lounging around on the leather sofa and Kunida telling him off for slacking off again.

Only this time, it wasn't to slack off. Fukizawa had given him an important job to contact the port mafia.

Kunikda asked why Dazai had to do it.

Dazai revealed he used to be part of the port mafia organisation. Kunikda dumbfounded how a suicide maniac and work partner could associate with the group.

I discreetly took out my (f/c) phone and snapped a picture. This'll go nicely in the new photo album you were putting together.

Now the picture will last longer~

Dazai winked at me and gave silent taunt Kunida that everyone had already figured it out except for him.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Then that means..." The blonde haired man turned towards you.

"I won the bet~," you said with a smile.

His jaw dropped to the ground.

Y/n guessed right the first time and became a secret rich girl.

Timeskip brought to you by the beautiful gardens

Fukizawa and Mori had agreed to a secret meeting in the gardens. Accompanied by three trusted employees as their witnesses.

Dazai helped arrange the meeting. He was to be the neutral peacemaker between the organisations.

Since Y/n wasn't an official employee of the agency. There was no reason to bring them into the meeting and discuss personal matters.

Instead. You'd offered to help out at the office for the day and do a confectionery run for Ranpo, who was in need of new snacks.

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