(un-edit) Chapter 6 First Fight against an enemy. bring it on!

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Azure messenger Part 2.

Ever since I found out about the potential bomb threat. Sent home and went to work this morning with my cousin.

They were in the middle of a meeting to discuss the bomb threat and identity of the Azure messenger. The taxi driver himself had all he information he could until he reached a limit. Consideration to place him into protective custody.

As for Ranpo was currently away on a case and wouldn't be back until they caught the culprit.

They may have considered your name, but she was needed at Uzumaki and wouldn't be able to assist them further on the case with the bomb. Her cousin backed her up explaining if your name used her unique ability,  the building may potentially be blown up with everyone inside. Every member in the ADA meeting room sweat dropped except Dazai who seemed excited at the prospect of committing suicide. Kunikda shut it down.

But it wouldn't mean she wouldn't help uncover the identity of the Azure messenger.

How she was going to help them without revealing her knowledge of future events?

She didn't know. She'd have to improvise on a plam as she goes. That and debate whether she wanted to tell them the truth about her recarnation into their universe. Or should she keep it to herself?

There was someone who had a vendetta against Doppo Kunikida and aimed to ruin the armed detectives agency's reputation in the process.

In the cafe, I watched as a figure of a young man and a woman enter the cafe and directed to seats. My cousin urged me to serve Dazai and the young woman a cup of coffee even though simple thanks. Entertaining the woman. Kunikda and atssuhi appeared.

She mentioned studying in social psychology.

"Compliment interesting and complex course to study in." I said. Startling her, she hadn't thought I'd chip in.

"Arigato, miss."

She appeared friendly. Bit gleam in her eyes, trying to analyse me but frown she couldn't get a read.

Silently thank sensei for teaching me the art of hiding emotion from my face.

Hated to admit, but some or it stemmed from my past life with former biological parents' toxic behaviour towards me and learnt to hide how my emotions behind a mask until got to know other people.

He Keep to sleeping in another room out of consideration for the woman. Knew kunikida would misunderstand and react.

Either coincidence the woman did think that way or perhaps she'd done her research.

Ranpo called and gave a tip where the bomb could possibly be. The woman asked of it was even okay tk reveal information to civilians but everyone else assured it was fine.

There's the thing, it's one thing to do research and have a stranger stay overnight. It's another don't know what sort of perosn this woman really was.

For all we know she could be faking it to get close to the agency and gain inside knowledge for own personal gain.

But it wasn't my place to say. I was only an employee of Uzumaki. Temporary passed to assist the agency.

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