Season 3 Chapter Two: Accident

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Y/n received a phone call from Kunikida to come into the Detective Arms Agency in your next day off. You had a pretty good guess. Mentally bracing yourself for the day ahead.

You soon arrived at the office, knocking on the door and entering the office space.

You arrived in professional detective attire with a white buttoned shirt, black tie, skirt, and ankle boots.

Bringing you back to the present. You were standing before Kunikidas desk when he informed the weretiger, and you would be working on a case with another detective member.

Just as you thought.


In a small metropolitan neighbourhood. The dark-haired beauty, with a white-haired male and member of the agency, had arrived at the scene and questioned the witness about the road way accident.

A truck driver had been speeding in a quiet area and ran over a pedestrian crossing the street. By the time the emergency service arrived. It was too late. He had already died.

You turned your attention to a vehicle parked nearby, dried red contents on the wheels, with a trail in its wake near a white chalk shape of a dead body once lay.

Darn it. Truck kun has claimed another victim!

You thought. Silently glaring daggers at the big mechanical pile of future scrap.

Unknowns to you, your fellow detectives and police at the scene shot strange and curious looks what the truck did to offend you.

Atsushi called the dark-haired ones name, drawing your attention away back to the present.

The investigation into the accident.

Inattentive driving is at large and cause a road casualty and may face losing his licence for six months.

Tha fully the vehicle had already been towedd away destined for the scrapyard.

The victim had just left the florist and crossed the street with a newspaper when it happened.

They were able to identify the poor victim to be a head of the Yokohoma orphanage. He was visiting the city, for what reason did they not know.

Atsushi's face became pale white as snow. The light in his eyes seemed to fade away into hollowness, his arms moving closer to his elbows as if shielding himself and slowly backing away.

His field partner called out his name question, and you stepped in between them, shaking your head side to side.

The poor guy had been through more than anyone will ever know, has been for many years of his life, all because of the headmaster of the orphanage.

To find out the person who played a role in his suffering had shown up in the city he lived in and died. It was too much. He needed a moment.  

He had stumbled across the article and saw what he had done to save a city.

You both had sat down on a bench at the dock. You respectively gave him some space.


You perked up at the question

"I don't know him. But of I had to guess. despite all the bad things in the past, he saw that article and came to the city to see you, Atsushi. He could have been proud of the man you had become, far better than he could ever be." 

But it was not to be. Tragedy struck. Their paths never to cross again.

" If there is a lesson to be learnt here. Turn it into wisdom you can carry with you and continue becoming a man both kind, strong and true through life. " You told Atsushi, a small swell of tears started to appear near his eyelids. Suppressing them. One final push. 

"There is no right or wrong way to grieve. It just is. Don't hold back. Let it all out. " You smiled at him with a kind closed eye smile.

It was all the push he needed. Tears flooded his eyes, a single sob, and a wail pierced through the afternoon air. You felt it would be best to take a step back and give him room to vent out his emotions.

Standing up, you walked over to the brown haired male who had chosen to advertise his eyes from the crying male, respecting his need for privacy.

You joined Dazai's side, turning to see the bay in the distance. Its beautiful and picturesque view took your breath away. Slolwy, your fingers entwining with Dazais own bigger ones. He tugged you closer to his chest. Taking comfort in each other's presence.

End of season 3 chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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