S3 Ch 3 Sensei and The Russian (Finale)

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Following the aftermath of Atsushis facing the headmasters losses.

A lot of events occurred behind the scenes. A rick leader survived the impossible and lived in the worst part of Yokohoma in poverty. His assistant found and gave him a place to stay. Bringing hope back into his life.

Without her, he would have become a wandering soul in the midst.

Yukizawa and Mori were attacked by masked assassins sent by an enemy in the shadows with dark ulterior motives.

They were at their most vulnerable with the poisonous ability attacking every cell of their body, their time ticking down.

Kunikida steps up to take command in his stead, and members protect the president at all costs. They asked you to remain on standby.

You knew this would happen sooner or later, but nothing could prepare you for the full impact when you received a phone call from the hospital:

Your boyfriend.

Osamu Dazai had been admitted to the hospital.

Your heart dropped in your chest.

You bolted out of your place without a second thought, running through the streets and road areas to the hospital. Bolted through the doors heading to the reception desk.

They must have seen the worry in your eyes.

You were shown through and allowed to sit in the bedside chair.

You saw the fresh bandages in his chest.

Fyodor would have mentioned the book.

You knew Dazai would figure out who the mastermind was and confronted him on his own.

It doesn't matter how well he can protect himself in a fight. It was dangerous to go up against the Fydor and not come out unscathed.

He was left for dead.

You thanked the heavens Atsushi and Kyoko had found him when they did and saved him from the brink of death.

You gently placed  your hands over his own. It felt warm on your own, as. Itsign he was still alive. You believed in him.  he would make a swift recovery.

You kissed him lightly on the lips. Your cheeks filling g up with warmth  of you looked in the mirror you coukd only imagine the roses glow.

A curse plaved upon the two powerful leaders. The only way to remove it was for the two to fight and kill the other.

You knew it was only a matter of time before the Port mafia and agency turned agaiar each other. The Port Mafia would attack first.

They were in for a big surprise when they found out they'd been tricked and take him hostage.

Yet you couldn't help but think of the offers. It hadn't been the first time they had invited him to join them. With his sort of pt ability...

He had a lot of potential he night kept under lock and key.

What if it was possible to sign from the author themselves that he was destined for far more than a detective for the DAA and a student?

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