S5 When you cross a L/N (un-edit)

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Dazai had taken the man and was probably fighting for their lives to escape the prison within thirty minutes. Anything could happen.

When the man head of hellhounds and angels crossed the people I care about. Little did they know of what they jad unleashed.

They had made the mistake of crossing the last name, your name, they had messed with the wrath of the last name's too.


Across the country of Japan and nations around the world. A live broadcast had been announced. Scheduled to be on at approximately by an unknown.

People wondered why it coukd be so important. Was it the new army of humanity that had been established and many leaders forced to hand over their positions and the safety of their people?

The detextive agency that supposedly been framed as terrorism.

Or a celebrity?

Even the enemies ceased fire.

The paper didn't work. It refused to grant this owners request. What. He tried again, scribbling upon its page. It erased itself.

Whoever it was immune. It was impossible. No way someone Luke that could except for Osamu, but be was in a prison. So who?

The live broadcast from Japan's conference hall, a small number of reporters and journalists stood up.
Reminded when Ranpo had orchestrated a conference to reveal their truth and spilt police factions down the middle. Right from corrupted.

A clack of heels against the floor.

Familiar sleek long ebony hair trailing down her back, a professional two piece suit of black jacket, white shirt amd black shirt. To serious pair of blue eyes looking up at the screen.

Last name, your name.

Parents used to run conferences related to business. One of the oldest taken spot as their heir and daughter to live overseas.

This was the first time you had public appearance in broadcast. But why now?

Good afternoon.

May not know me. I'm last name your name. I have something important to share with you today.

Some people dear to me received a strange video from unknown sources ans went to save hostages. However when got there and opened door. Things went south. They switched places and framed on the spot. Including Ranpo.

the real angels of decay are out there and manipulating everything using an ancient means. Vendetta to drive out other ability users from the city. The agency may have committed crimes in the past, but have redeemed themselves by helping others that needed it. Service to not only community but also the country. It's not the award. Knowing making difference ti mkawe this city feel safe place to live in for both normal nd gifted.  It's not just ability its in what you do. every thing from the smallest to big have an essential role and keep the world moving forward.

whatever may hear about the Hellhounds. when agency was set up. quick to make assumptions and attacked them, and nearly murdered its members in cold blood. may as well be playing into the enemies plans. may have paced false memories but know deep down they weren't there when these events occurred and set up.

I may or may not have planted spy wear into computer to record their meeting with a members of the real decay of angels. Played it. Exactly the same.
Angels tried to change it bit didn't work. Consider this evidence in the case clear the agency's names. Just because I'm not a member of tje agency doesn't mean I don't have connections  do amd keep tabs in case they need assistance or I meed their help on a case. Anonymous role against the Guild.

Felt trying o shift reality.
You may steal a pages and perform ancient rite, however it won't change some people with unique abilities.

All cases dome in past against past enemies were real, they did put their lives on the line.

Used as scapegoats for a bigger and evil scheme to destroy ability users everywhere. Without them balance will be destroyed.

Did you really think of cime up here without some sort of counter measures in place? A last name is always prepared.  Even fo4 the unprepared.

Your name's ours turn up into a warm smile.
Her family stood behind her, her mother's vines wrapped around her wrist.

No way...

Yes way. By trying to frame the agency and her boyfriend in prison. He made an enemy of his future fiancè, last name your name and her entire family.

Making the angels and hellhounds enemy number one wanted in the world.

The tables had turned on them.

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