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(first few chapter timeline will be soobin past )

Author POV

Sunlight peek towards the window and it made him woke up . He get up and sat on the bed . "good morning world" He Said while stretching his arms. "soobin wake up honey" His mom yell from outside. "I am up mom" He said then clean his bed .
Soobin room

He took his towel and come outside

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He took his towel and come outside . he saw his sister was also going toward Bathroom . Both of them share a Glance then look at The Bathroom again. "You better not" Somin said . Both of them run at the same time but soobin was faster and he entered first . " Oppa Get out I want to take shower" somin whine outside the door .
"Next time sis" He replied from inside . Ms choi just shake her head . after sometimes Both of them got ready and come inside the kitchen . "mom I told you to take rest " Soobin said because Ms choi was ill and that's the reason soobin take part time job and always hard worked . "I'm OK soobin" Ms choi said . "no your not now let's have breakfast, somin take mama" soobin said and somin take ms choi to table . they eat breakfast together and clean the house so ms choi don't have to do . their house is small so it's easy to clean .
"Bye mom" Soobin said and kiss is mom cheek . "me too"
Somin said and kiss her on cheek . "okay now go or you guys will be late" Ms choi said . both of them waved bye to their mom and left for school .
Their house

Soobin and somin entered the school together

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Soobin and somin entered the school together. Then they went to locker room .
"Oppa they are coming" Somin said will pointing toward someone and Soobin knew who was coming . His bullies. He was shaking from fear and to interrupted his thought he was pinned by his bully Ken . "what's up cry baby" Ken said with a smirk.
"Wh-at do yo-u w-ant Ken" Soobin shutter between his word and he regrets it .
"Why is little boy Shuttering huh is he sacred of me" Ken said with a chuckled.
"Ken leave my Brother" Somin said. Ken look at somin . "even his sister is stronger then him" Ken said.
"But I don't like this attitude ken" Ken friend Seowon said . "then do what you want to do" Ken said . And seowon slowly walked toward Somin . "P-lease lea-ve my sister" Soobin said.
Ken laugh at him then kick him on the stomach . Soobin fell on the floor . "Guy's let's left we will see him later" Ken said and left with his friends While laughing at them . Somin try to help soobin stand up . students were looking at them but didn't help them and Soobin notice it which made him more upset . "Oppa are you okay" Somin said . "Yes I am okay don't need to worry" Soobin said and give a fake smile . Somin know he was telling lie but she didn't said anything. Both of them went to their class .

When Soobin was about to sat down Ken pull his chair and Soobin fell on his butt .
Everyone at the class started to Laugh . Soobin became red by embarrassed he quietly get up and grab his seat then sit down . Somin was seeing all of this but she can't do anything too .

This is first chapter . Hope you to enjoyed .

Bye .

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