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"But hyung at least you should text me" Soobin said and Yeonjun stopped for a while then looking at him with a small smile .

"Sorry I thought mom will check my texts too so" He said with a laugh . Soobin notice that he was acting so strange but he shrugged off it and started to enjoy his ice cream .

They're was walking while holding each other hands . Yeonjun was kind of silence all the way and the younger notice it . "hyung are you okay" Soobin said while looking at him . Yeonjun come out from his thought and  nodded his head .

"Yes I am okay what will happened to me" He replied looks normal . The younger nodded and started to walk again. "Soobin" the black haired boy turned to him .
"Yes hyung do you want to say anything" he asked but Yeonjun shake his head .
"Nothing" he answered.

Next day

Soobin was looking for the older at school but he can't find him . he was looking around suddenly Hyejin come to him .

"Hey Soobin" She said and Soobin looked at her . "can you come to my place for studying" She said . Soobin was thinking if he should go or not . "are we alone" He asked . "no, one of my friend is coming too" Hyejin said .

Soobin nodded his head and agree to go to her place . Hyejin said him a bye and left from there . he looked around because he felt that someone was staring at him from far . he didn't saw anyone and left for class .

Yeonjun was behind of a pole and he saw that Soobin was talking to Hyejin . when Soobin was about to saw him he immediately hide and the younger can't saw him . He sigh and come out then Went
To the restroom.

After school

"So your telling me your going to her place" Soomin said and soobin nodded his head . "okay go I don't care" Soomin said . "You really don't care about me" Soobin said while elbowing his sister . Soomin pushed him and started to walk . the black haired boy started to laugh and run to his sister .

At Hyejin place .

Soobin come in front a huge building and he slowly get inside . He saw that Hyejin was waiting for him . Hyejin saw him and waved at him.

"You come let's go" she said and soobin just followed her without saying anything.

They come in front of Hyejin apartment and she open the door then get inside. "Your apartment is so big did you live alone" Soobin said .

"Yeah who will live with me" Hyejin said . "sit , feel like it's your home" She said and soobin sat down . "I think we should started our study session" Soobin said.

Both of them was busy at study suddenly the bell rang . "I think he come wait here" Hyejin said and went up to the the door . Soobin heard two people voice so he wonder who come now .

But his curious doesn't stay for such a long time when he saw Yeonjun was behind Hyejin . both of them share a stared at each other .

"Yeonjun hyung what are you doing here" Soobin said .
"Oh both of you know each other then it's good" Hyejin said . " Yeah we know each other" Yeonjun said .

Yeonjun come and sat down across Soobin. Soobin was only looking at his movement. Soobin and Hyejin then again started to study .

After sometimes

"Finally it's finished" Hyejin said . "I think I should go now" Soobin said and he was about to get up hut Hyejin grab his hand . "No your not going anywhere, we three should have some fun" She said while looking Yeonjun.

Yeonjun move a little on his seat and then nodded his head . Soobin then again sit down .

"I think I should bring some drink because I think our age is  enough to drink" She said and went to kitchen then she bring some drinks and glass.

Soobin didn't agree to drink because he didn't like to drink so Yeonjun and Hyejin was drinking suddenly someone called Hyejin .

She picked up and went to other side to talk then after few minutes she come .
"Hey guys I have to go somewhere can you both please stay here" Hyejin said while grabbing her things.

"W-what , where are you going" Soobin said . "My mom called me I will come back after few hours so don't worry , you both can stay here and felt like this is your  home" She said and open the the door . "HAVE FUN" the last word she shout before exit from there.

Soobin turned around and faced the Drunk Yeonjun although he was not that's much drunk . "why are you looked at me like that" Yeonjun said . "how did you know hyejin" Soobin asked while coming near him .

"She is our classmate so it  was easy to know her , why are you jealous" Yeonjun said with a smirk . Soobin just look away avoiding him .

Yeonjun stood up from his seat and started to unbuttoned his Coat .
"It's so hot here" He said and too off his coat . Soobin turned around to see him and his eyes wide open.

Yeonjun was wearing a skirt and he was looking good on it . Soobin didn't notice it because he was wearing the overcoat all the time.

Yeonjun notice Soobin was Staring at him and he smirk

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Yeonjun notice Soobin was Staring at him and he smirk.
He come toward him and climbed on his lap . Soobin was taken aback when he felt Yeonjun member touch his .

"Enjoying what your seeing" he whispered in to his ears
"Hyung your drunk" Soobin said try to push the older a little but Yeonjun wrap his arms around his neck .

"Why I am not looking good" he said in a pout and soobin didn't say anything but a blush was on his cheeks.
"Your looking pretty hyung" he replied but he felt nervous when he saw the smirk on the older face .

Yeonjun take Soobin hand and put it under his skirt .The younger was shocked because of his hyung boldness. "Then let's do something" he said and lick soobin ear . "hyung but I don't think we should go that far , I told you that I wants thing slowly" Soobin said and Yeonjun looked at in disbelief.

"Why are you being a child" Yeonjun said and was about to clime off from soobin but the younger pull him back.
He smirk and move a little made Soobin moan .

"I am telling you let's do it" he said and again started to move . Soobin can't control but he felt he became hard and he grab Yeonjun waist so tightly. "What if hyejin come" he said .

"She will come late don't worry" Yeonjun said and Kissed him . the kissed was so intimate. Soobin kissed him back . both of them was moving their lips on rhythm and feeling each other lips .

It was first time for both of them feeling something and Soobin was still fighting with his thought that they should do it or not but his body was telling the opposite.

He went down to yeonjun white milky neck and started to give him wet kisses . Yeonjun grab his hair in pleasure and he was all moaning.


Bye bye Blue luvies

Hoep you enjoy reading or if not then I don't know .

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