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Soobin POV

I don't know why Ken have to Bully me because I am weak that doesn't meant anything . I was in my thought suddenly the teacher said we have new students . I looked up and saw Three boys entered. They are all good looking though.

author POV

"Now introduced yourself" Teacher said . "Hi I am Choi beomgyu" Beomgyu said and bow down . "hi I am huening kai I think we can be friends" Hyuka said with a smile. "I ma Choi Yeonjun" Yeonjun said . "wow they so good looking" a girl said . "yes your right" Another boy said . "You guys can take your seat" Teacher said as those three nodded their head and went to sit . Yeonjun saw A seat was empty and it was beside Soobin. "Can I sit here" Yeonjun said.  Soobin looked up and slowly nodded his head . "Hey what's your name" Yeonjun said while sat beside Soobin . "C-choi Soobin" Soobin said while looking down . "why so shy Soobin" Yeonjun said with a smile. "He's just a shy boy" Yeonjun turn around and saw Somin who was behind them . "are you his sister" Yeonjun said and somin nodded her head. Yeonjun made a O face then give attention to class. 

Class end and everyone started to get out of the class . Soobin was also coming outside but Ken stop him . "hey nerd Where are you going" Ken said . soobin turn around and look at ken
"Do you need anything" he said . ken throw his bag at Soobin. "carry this and follow me" ken said . ken friends also give their bags to soobin. Soobin didn't said anything just carry their bags. Somin was also standing there seeing her brother like that . She wiped her tears and went away.

"So sad why they have to be jerk" Hyuka said . Yeonjun saw everything and he was shocks to saw this . Soobin was so quite at class and he didn't said back to ken . somehow Yeonjun felt bad for the poor bunny boy .

Day went by like that . soobin and Somin come out and they started to walk toward home . "Oppa do you have work" Somin said .
"Yes I have today" Soobin said . "mom we are home" Soobin said. "I think mom went to her work" somin said as they didn't get any response . "how many day I told her to quit" Soobin said and went to his room . he for fresh up and left for his work.

Few days later.

Yeonjun always saw that how Soobin get Bully . he was noticing these things after he came here . So he thought to be Soobin friend.
But it's was hard because Soobin didn't talk to anyone expect his sister . he try to approach to him but Soobin always made excuse or he get pull by ken .

"Hey good morning Soobin" Yeonjun said and sit beside him . soobin didn't replied to Yeonjun . "Yeah you should reply to me" Yeonjun said with a pout . soobin looked at him and found Yeonjun cute . "why your after me" Soobin said in low tone but enough to heard by the older.  "I want to be friend with you" Yeonjun said.
"But why you want to be friend with me" Soobin said .
"Because I found you cute" yeonjun said and pinch Soobin cheek . Soobin felt his cheek getting hot and he look away because it was first time someone compliment him . "Now what is your answer" Yeonjun said. 
"I think we can be friends" Soobin said . Yeonjun was so happy that finally he made Soobin his friend . Yeonjun hug Soobin and Soobin was shock at first but then he also hug him back .

This how their friendship started, will it end good ?


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Bye bye .

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