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"So you found yourself a new friend" Soobin turn around and saw his sister . "what are you talking about" Soobin said . "about that Yeonjun guy" Somin said while taking her things from locker . "yes he said he want to be friend with me , He's so cool too" Soobin said with cheerful voice. "Just be careful your too pure to play with" Soomin said as she left the place . Soobin was confused about what his sister said now but he shrugged off it and went to his class .

"Hey Soobin come and sit here" Yeonjun said as soon He saw the younger entering. "Hey hyung good morning" Soobin said and sat beside yeonjun . "How was your day" Yeonjun said and wrapped his arm around Soobin arm . Soobin was taken back when he felt Yeonjun arm was around his own . "hey I am talking to you" Yeonjun said . "oh m-y d-ay wa-s Good" Soobin said and look down . "Your shy around me" Yeonjun said and pinch his cheek and laugh at Soobin because how cute the younger was .

"Wow so lovey dovey right guys" Ken said as he approach in front them .
"Looks like the cry baby finally made a friend" Seowon said with a evil smirk . "what's your guys problem" Yeonjun said .
"We have no problem but we have business with Soobin" Ken said looking at Soobin.
"Look here you morons You guys always bully if you don't want get beat by me then you all can leave" Yeonjun said while glaring at them . "I am shocked that someone is threatening me then fight me" Ken said and come near Yeonjun . "Yeonjun don't fight with ken please" Soobin said try to stop him . Ken was about to punch Yeonjun but Yeonjun kick him at the guts before him . Ken fall on the ground.
"I told you don't fight with me" Yeonjun said with a grin . Seowon come to Yeonjun but Yeonjun kick him on the stomach then on the chin . Seowon fell on the ground groaning because of pain . the whole class gasp expect Beomgyu and hueningkai Both of them was cheering Yeonjun . "THAT'S MY BOY GO BEAT THEM" Beomgyu was shouting like there is no tomorrow . Yeonjun come and sat beside Soobin . Soobin was to stunned to speak and he was staring at Yeonjun . "Don't look at me like that" Yeonjun said try not to blush .
"Your so cool" Soobin said gave him a soft smile . Yeonjun also smiles at him .
"Want to hang out after the school" Yeonjun said . "I don't have work today so yes I will like to" Soobin said . Ken and Seowon both get up and glare at them then leaved the class.

Few days went by

Yeonjun and Soobin become best friend . They both of them like to spend time with each other . Soobin help Yeonjun with Study and yeonjun Rescue him from Ken's gang from get bully .
Yeonjun make sure Soobin doesn't get hurt at school .
But that doesn't mean Ken left Soobin alone.  When Yeonjun is not around Soobin they bully him . and Soobin didn't told Yeonjun about this because he doesn't want Yeonjun to get in trouble anymore .

Soobin was walking through a empty hallway . Yeonjun was with Beomgyu and Hueningkai . Soomin was absent that day because she went to hospital with her mom . Soobin was walking suddenly He dragged by someone in to the P.E room .
He fall on the ground then look up . his eyes wide open when he saw Ken and his friends Seowon , Taejun , Damhee , Minjin and Leehyun . ( their all self made character and note them they will used in the story) .

"Welcome to hell Soobin" Ken said with a devilish smirk . "why di-d you drag-g me here" Soobin said as he was sweating . "Nothing to have fun with you my little boy" Seowon said.  "Gosh Soobin is cute isn't he" Damhee said as she run her finger in Soobin hair then grab it so harshly . Soobin yelp in pain . "What are saying Damhee he's not cute but His so ugly" Minjin said .
"Please let me go" Soobin begged to them . "No we are not letting you go" ken said and let out a evil laugh .


What will happened to Soobin will he again get bullied .

That's for today bye .

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