Part:17 (new soobin)

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Author POV

Few years later

Everything is so change . and who Change the most was Soobin . He became more dangerous and Strong than his past life .

Now sitting inside a Room full of His enemies around him pointing a gun in his top of the head . "well , well Mr Choi I thought you will not easy to catch" the said person named jisang Soobin one of the enemy. It was hard to kidnapped soobin and took him here .

"You should agree with my deal but you didn't now I am angry on you and I want to kill you now" Jisang said and laugh like a manic . Soobin remain silent . he didn't spoke anything since he was kidnapped. Not a word or any kind of expression wasn't in his face .

"Why are you not saying anything, are you scared of me" He said while sit on his chair in from of soobin who was tied into the chair. "I think you should scared of me because you going to die soon , let me start the countdown" Jisang said and put his Fingers up and started the countdown.

"3,2,1 Shoo-" BANG

jisang eyes wide open when he saw that one of his Man lay down on the ground lifeless. He look at soobin who already have a gun in his hand . it not his own but it was the man's who was holding him.

He didn't said anything because he was busy untied himself from the starting.
He stood up from his place and started to walk over jisang .

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING GO CATCH HIM" Jisang shout as one of his man come to hit Soobin but he just punch him on the face and the man flew away.

So many of Jisang Mans come and attack Soobin but he fought with them so well.
He took a table cloth then wrap around a Person face then started to punch him non stop until he passed out . blood was all over the table cloth .

Jisang look around him and saw that his all Mans was laying in the floor . he started sweat as he saw Soobin coming near so calmly with a gun in his hand . Blood was all over his body and he wipe some blood of his face .

Jisang was about to run away but he pinned to the couch by Soobin. "I was thinking from the starting that will you get any place in hell" Soobin said and started to laugh , More like a evil one with his deep voice .

Jisang open his mouth to said something but ......


Soobin shoot him fourth time and jisang die at the spot. He get some jisang blood on his face. He wiped off and looked at it . he started to laughing like mad man while looking around him .

He took jisang car key from his pocket then He come out from the place and took out a cigarette then put it between his lips. He took out his lighter then put near his cigarette. He started to smoke then he look at the place .

He got into the car then he put his hand out of the window . he throw his lighter and left the place while smirking because the arson he create . the place was on fire and who did it was Choi Soobin.

He has change that much and now he is planning to get revenge over his past bullies .


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Love you blue luvies💙

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