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Author POV

Dayeon come out from a Ring shop. She was happy about her and ken marriage which will happened between few days . She was smiling to herself suddenly she saw that Soobin was waiting for her in front of her car. "Huh Soobin what are you doing here all of sudden" She said . "Listen I came here to stop you from making the biggest mistake in your life" Soobin said and Dayeon  was confused.

Later at cafe

Dayeon eyes was swollen from crying because Soobin told her everything from the starting even his plan. Dayeon can't believed the persons she loves the most was bully and the important thing was Ken was such a heartless person. Soobin sighed and give her tissue

"I know it's hard to know the truth but Dayeon this the best for you because if I didn't told you truth then you life will be ruined" Soobin said . "I know Soobin thanks for telling me everything and what your doing he deserved it" Dayeon said and wiped her tears . soobin smiled and Nodded his head . "Your enough Strong Dayeon" He said .

"Yeah I know I am strong and I don't need to waste my tears for some jerks" She said and smile a little . "Anyway thanks again and All the best with your Plan made sure he regret everything" she said as soobin nods again. Both of them got up from their seat ready to leave .

"Anyway can I give you a hug after all you saved me from a Jerk" Dayeon said and soobin slowly nodded his head . Dayeon hugged him then pull away . "Be happy with your partner when everything end" she said and left . soobin sighed and walked out of the cafe and come near his car .

He saw that Yeonjun standing there waiting for him . but he looked kinda mad . soobin come toward him while Checking from up and down. "What are you doing here" He asked . yeonjun took off his sunglasses and looked at him. "You was looking so happy while hugging her" Yeonjun said .

Soobin smiled and hug his jealous baby. "Are you jealous baby ohhh so cute I don't know you will look so pretty while being Jealous" Soobin said while hugging him. "YAH who told you I am jealous I am not why I would be" Yeonjun said with a annoying voice . "I know your jealous and don't be jealous baby I am only you and your only mine" He said and finally yeonjun cool down and look at him .

Soobin peck on his lips and Yeonjun smiled ."Yeah I know I am your but I am still angry" He said . "okay I will take you to restaurant because I know how much you like to eat" Soobin said .
"Are you try telling me that I eat so much" Yeonjun said with a fist . "No I am not telling that just calm down and let's go" Soobin said and pull him inside of the car.

Next day

At ken Company

It was a big party that ken throw because he is going to get a big deal here at the party and he is going to announced his and Dayeon wedding date here. He was talking with other business mans suddenly he saw Soobin entering with Yeonjun. He get shocked but he ignored them. Soobin smirked and come toward him.

"Hey ken why didn't you welcome us" He said . ken look at them . "oh sorry I didn't notice you" He said. "Stop lying ken we know you saw us" Yeonjun said . "anyway you must be shocked seeing us together right" Soobin said and chuckled then he look at ken with dark gaze in his eyes .he come near his ear and whispered.

"Just enjoy your day because you will die soon and you can't figured out what happened" He said and move away and pat ken shoulder. Then he went to the other side with Yeonjun.

Both of them sat down together at the front seats so ken could see them when he get into the stage . Some people was looking at them because why not they look like a strong couple.

Minutes later ken went to stage for giving speech. He prepared himself and started to give his speech suddenly the lights went off and everyone was confused why all of sudden the lights went off .

Suddenly the big screen on the stage turn on and a video start to play and it was video of Soobin get bullying by ken . Ken eyes wide open and he turn to Soobin who was smirking in the dark .Soobin got up and Grab Yeonjun hand .

"See you later ken" He said and started to walked out from there . Ken was furious and he shouting but the media surrounding him . soobin smirk and left from there . after few moment later ken Come out from the hall any way .

He was so furious and he saw that Dayeon was there too . "honey believed me it was all fake" Ken said trying to convinced her but to his bad Dayeon already know everything. Dayeon slapped him and ken was shocked.

"I already know everything so stop with you acting and I am breaking up with you" Dayeon said and throw the ring at his face and left from there .

Ken was standing there shocked suddenly someone hit him from the back and everything went blank and he fainted.

He open his eyes and slowly try to look around. He was looking around then he understand that he was at their old school Basketball area. His head still bleeding and he was tied up with the chair . suddenly seowon Dead body come and fall in front him .

He got startled and he was shocked to see that . That's mean Soobin already killed Seowon and now ken was his last Target. Soon everything will end .

"Welcome to the hell shin Kwang" Soobin said while laughing. It was ken Real name . Ken was staring at him . "Do you get Déjà vu" He said while looking around.
"This is the same place where you bullied me always" Soobin said and come toward him . "Now I am going to kill you here and end everything here which you started" He said .

Ken laugh and look at him .
"You know what when I saw you again at my Engagement I know from that day that you will be reason of my dead" Ken said and a devilish smirk made his way on soobin lips . He took a Stapler and hit ken with it until his face was ruined with blood .

He then took a hair strainers and look at ken. "Do you remember this, Of course you made scars on my body which didn't left and now I am going to do the same with you" Soobin said and grab ken arms  and started to burn his arms with the strainer. Ken was screaming in pain .

"Now you will know the pain of getting bullying" He said and hit him on the face with Strainer . Ken was almost like dead but his was still breathing. "You should know that don't ever wake a sleeping lion because he will never let you go alive" Soobin said and started to laugh .

Ken was staring at him with fear in his eyes and he know that devil himself is standing in from him and he regret everything now but it's too late for him to confess . Soobin took a gun and point at him .

Then he shoot him for so many time like He made sure he was dead and like that everything ended . his revenge was completed and now he can live happily now with his only love Yeonjun.

He look around and called his mans to take the body away and burn them because he don't wanna ruin the school . he then left the place and he felt so lighter after so many years what he do was best for himself.


Hope you enjoy it love you Blue Luvies .


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