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Soobin entered his room and come near the wall which was filled with photos. He took out Minjin photos and Leehyun photos. He throw them into a dustbin then burn them . he turn to those pictures again and Look at damhee photo then another photo caught his eyes .

It was yeonjun photos. He was staring in Yeonjun photos. Even tho he was hurt and betrayed by the older he still love the older . Yes he still has soft and weak spot for him . He miss every touches of Yeonjun. He miss how they always been each other side even in painful moments.

He himself don't know why the older did this to him, why did the older just betrayed him and left him alone when he need someone. He still waiting for the moment when the older will tell him why he betrayed him . he want to know the reason ,he want to know the untold truth that the older is hiding.

He look away from his photos and went to take a  shower . Few moment later he come downstairs and saw Taehyun was at table . Serving the food he ordered.

"Oh hey hyung come let's have dinner together" Taehyun said with a smile as Soobin smile back . Taehyun was always his side like a true best friend. He always has been in his side . Soobin come and sat down then he started to eat along with Taehyun.

"Would you do something for me" Soobin said while chewing his Food . Taehyun look up and nodded his head . Soobin throw a photo at the table and Taehyun look at it and it was minjin dead body's picture.

Soobin take it before leaving form there . "Send it to everyone , Understand" Soobin said as the younger nodded his head and took the photo with him . then again started to eat .

Next day

"YEONJUN HYUNG YOU HAVE A DELIVERY" Beomgyu said as he entered the living room with a envelope. Yeonjun come downstairs and look at him . "who send me this" He asked as Beomgyu shrugged his shoulder and give the older the envelope.

Yeonjun Open it and Took out the photo that was inside and his eyes wide open . it was minjin photo. Beomgyu gulped as he saw the photo .
Yeonjun then turn around the photo and saw there written something.

"I send this to you just to know that another friend of ken is gone , So be careful with your thoughts . yeonjun "

Not your baby bunny


Yeonjun ripped the photo and throw it to other side . He was right he's not his baby bunny anymore He became Monster after that . and it scared Yeonjun. Beomgyu saw his face became pale he immediately hug his best friend .

"Hyung don't suffer yourself you should tell him the truth before it's to late" Beomgyu said as Yeonjun slowly nodded his head . he is going to tell Soobin everything might Soobin will understand him .

Time skip

Ken was at his office then suddenly he received a delivery. He was confused that who send him a envelope. He took it and open it but his eyes wide open when he saw minjin photo . He throw the photo away and the photo flip upside down .

"Just wait ken, karma is bitch I will come for you all"

Not the cry baby


It was written on backside of the photo. Ken jaw dropped as he saw minjin dead body. He sat down in the ground still in shocked. Soobin had send the same picture to everyone in different Way.

YOU CHANGED ME [YEONBIN]Where stories live. Discover now