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He come and stop his car then come out from the car. His bodyguards come running toward him but he just throw the car key toward a Bodyguard.

"Burn the car" He said and his Bodyguards nodded his head . he then went inside of his mansion then to his room. Soobin live alone and Soomin live with Jungkook and his Husband Jimin .

He open his door and come inside . He let out a breath of tiredness. He rubbed his eyes then went inside the bathroom to take shower . because there was blood all over his body .

He took of his bloody shirt and pant then throw them into the laundry Basket.  He stood under the shower and let himself get drenched under the warm water .

After taking shower he took a Bathrobe and wear it then come out from the bathroom. He went near his balcony and stood there while learning toward the cold pipes .

He closed his eyes and relax his body suddenly his phone rang and he open his eyes . he grab his phone and saw that Soomin was calling him . he pick up the call .

"Hey oppa! , are you okay I heard you got kidnapped" She said . "I was , but now I am okay so don't need to worry" He replied. "Okay thank god your safe , I was worried" Soomin said as she heard a chuckled from the other side. 

"Soomin can you told him to come" Jungkook shout from the backyard preparing the table because They're going to have dinner at the backyard.

"Okay can you come , Jungkook oppa told you to come" Soomin said . "Okay I am coming" Soobin said and Hang up his call then went inside to get ready .

At Jungkook mansion

Soobin was entering the place and he saw that Soomin sitting outside playing with her phone . He go near his sister and smack her on the head .

"Oppa~~~" Soomin whined as she rubbed her head . "where Jungkook Hyung and jimin hyung" Soobin asked .
"They're inside" She said and again paid her attention toward her phone .

"Stop using phone your already have dark circles under your eyes" Soobin said and went inside earning a Glare from his sister. 

Soobin come inside and went to the kitchen. "Hyun-" He was about spoke something but stop when he was that both of them was flirting with each other . mostly Jungkook.

"Your so cute I can't handle sometimes how cute your my baby" Jungkook said as he was backhugged jimin .
"Yeah , stop Soomin is waiting outside" Jimin said try to get out of his grip. 
"Let her wait , not like she is going to die" Jungkook said and started kiss Jimin neck . jimin was enjoying until he saw Soobin standing there .

"J-jungkook , Kookie move , kookie" Jimin said as he try to move Jungkook away .
"What happened" he said and jimin point toward Soobin. Jungkook turned around and his eyes wide open .

Soobin was holding a phone and he was shooting they're video while making a disgust face . like this

"Sorry to interrupt" He said and look at his phone

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"Sorry to interrupt" He said and look at his phone . "And it's Done bye" He said with a Grin and run out of the mansion. "YAH CHOI SOOBIN I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" he heard that Jungkook was shouting from inside .

He come outside and saw that Taehyun was sitting with his sister. Taehyun smiled as soon he saw the older . "Hey hyung why are you smirking" He asked as Soomin also looked up to him. Soobin saw them the video and Both of them burst into laughing.

"Yeah Stop laughing" Jungkook said from the back with his Husband behind him. "Now I can't romance in my own house" Jungkook said and he sat down .

"Until I am not around" Soobin said with a grin and Jungkook was about to hit him but he move away .

All of them sat down for dinner and started to eat dinner. "Hyung" Everyone give attention toward Soobin. "Yes , do you want to say something" Jungkook said as He was waiting for the younger to continue.

"I am going back my past hometown" He said . "WHAT , why you want to go there oppa" Soomin said as she was confused. "I want to take Revenge from them who made me suffer" Soobin said and you can say that he was so angry .

"If you want to go then you can go , It's good for your own" Jungkook said calmly because he also want Soobin should make them suffer who make him suffer and made his life like a hell. 

"Yes I am leaving tomorrow and I am going alone" He said and continue eating. "Hyung I want to go  with you and help you" Taehyun said . "you want to go with me" He asked . Taehyun nodded his head .

"Oppa be careful" Soomin said . "Don't worry I am going to be okay , they need to learn a lesson" Soobin replied and Soomin agreed .

"Now just wait ken , I am coming for you"


Hope you guys Enjoy reading and Tell me how it is . And hope you will wait for the next part .

Bye blue luvies.

I love you .

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