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"What do you guys think that why he come back" Minjin said . "I don't know"Seowon said . " I think he is up to something or why he will come back" Taejun said.

"What do you think ken" Seowon said as he turn to ken who was already in His thought. "hey what are you thinking about" Leehyun said and ken come to reality.

"What are you guys was talking about" Ken asked because he wasn't listening anything. "We're talking about That Soobin" Damhee replied. "I think he is already scared of Soobin" Leehyun said and started to laugh.

"Shut up you Moron , why I will be scared of him" Ken said and get up from his seat.
"And I am going to marry soon so fuck off that Soobin, not Like he is going to do something" Ken said and left from there .

Other side

Yeonjun was at the shopping mall with Beomgyu and hyuka. He was walking until they saw Taehyun.

"Isn't he is Taehyun" Beomgyu said as He point toward The peach haired boy who was walking with his phone. " Yes he is Taehyun" Hyuka replied.

"TAEHYUN" Yeonjun suddenly shout and Start to go toward Taehyun. Beongyu and hyuka eyes wide open  and they run after him.

Taehyun saw that yeonjun was coming toward him . "woah We met after so many years" Taehyun said as he put his phone inside of his Pocket . "yeah it's been long time and I was wondering" Yeonjun said and stop for a moment.

"Continue hyung not like I am mad at you but I am disappointed at you" Taehyun said with a smile.
"How did Soobin became Mafia and did he really come back for revenge" Yeonjun asked .

"Yes he come back for taking revenge over everything that ken has done and About his mafia thing you don't have to know that , You should pray that he just don't kill you" Taehyun said with a laugh.

"I know that he hate me" Yeonjun said. "Yes he hate you more then ken" Taehyun replied. "But Yeonjun Hyung has reason-" Beomgyu was about to say more but Yeonjun hit him on the face with his bag.

Suddenly Soobin come there with hands in his pocket.
"Woah woah look what we have here A cheater and his Supporter" Soobin said while looking at them . Yeonjun felt a ache in his heart when he heard Soobin called him a cheater .

"What are you guys talking about anyway" Soobin said as he turn to Taehyun. "Nothing hyung , just having a normal conversation" the peach haired boy replied.
"Then I think we should leave because I don't want to saw this Cheater face"Soobin said and turn to Yeonjun .

" why are you talking like that with hyung" Beomgyu said and pull yeonjun with his arm.  "What do you expect from me after what Your hyung did,he deserved it" Soobin said and left from there with Taehyun.

Hyuka turn to his hyung and saw there was Tears in Yeonjun eyes . "I think you should tell him the truth" Hyuka said . "he will never believe me" The black haired boy said and left from there . "we should go after him" Beomgyu said and Hyuka nodded his head .

Time skip

Leehyun come out from his Company. He was also CEO of his own company.

Leehyun was walking toward his car suddenly he saw that Soobin was standing in front of his car and He waiting for him .

Leehyun saw that Soobin was smirking at him when he saw leehyun. He got shocked and he come near him. "what do you want" Leehyun asked .

"You" Soobin said and with that Soobin hit him on the head with a Stick and Leehyun faint at the spot .

Time skip

Leehyun slowly opened his eyes try to look around but his head was so heavy and it was hurting so much . He finally open his eyes and look at the front. He was in a room which he can't recognized.

"Where am i" He said while holding his head. "Your in hell" Suddenly Soobin said while entering the room.
Leehyun look at him with furious.

"WHY YOU TAKE ME HERE YOU BRAT" He shout. Soobin hit him with a scissor and it made a cut on his face.

"I take you here to take revenge over you and You will  regret for doing this to me" Soobin whisper into his ear with a deep tone .

"You c-an't do th-is" Leehyun said . soobin grab his face and started to laugh like a psycho and it made Leehyun blood run down cold .

"Why because it's hurt , don't worry I will hurt you ever more So you will remember forever, oh wait actually your going to die today"/Soobin said and hit him again. He got up and took Leehyun phone then his Every friend on face time .

" hey everyone wanna see how your friend Leehyun die" Soobin said as Everyone was so shocked. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH LEEHYUN" Seowon shout from the other side .

Soobin place the phone in a position so everyone can see . he then went to Leehyun and grab his hair.
"Don't worry you guys will like it" Soobin said and Took knife then started to stabbed Leehyun.

"I am sorry Soobin please don't kill me" Leehyun was begging. "I told you guys to stop did you guys stop , no so get ready for punishment" Soobin said and again stabbed him .

All of them eyes wide open . Minjin  closed her eyes with her hands and Damhee was speechless.
Seowon and Taejun was yelling while ken jaw dropped. Soon there was blood on the room wall and Soobin body. Leehyun was still breathing but he can't say anything just blankly stared at the screen .
Soobin took the gun and .....


Leehyun lifeless body was laying at the ground and his all friends saw how he died but can't save him . soobin look at the screen and Again started to laugh so loudly and Ken was shocked.

He slowly come toward the screen and grab with his bloody hands . "I will come for you guys , just wait" And he wiped the screen with blood which was Leehyun's blood . and the call end .





YOU CHANGED ME [YEONBIN]Where stories live. Discover now