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Author POV

Ken and his fiancé was at the stage and everyone was sitting at the front . Seowon and others friends was also watching that .

Ken and his fiancé dayeon exchange their ring and everyone started to clap . Yeonjun was only person who was not clapping. Why will he will clap the jerk. 

Soon Everyone stop clapping expect Soobin . he was still clapping like no tomorrow. He stood up from his seat and started to clapping so loudly that made everyone attention toward him.  He was smiling like he just won Something.

Ken became shocked but he didn't show it on face but his other friends jaw dropped .
"Why he is clapping like a psycho" Leehyun said.  Yeonjun was also shocked to see that .

Time skip

Beomgyu choke on his water and it went flew to Hueningkai face . "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING" He shout and place the bottle on the table.  Hyuka was wiping his face . "Yes I am saying the  truth" Yeonjun replied.

"I am sure he is going to take revenge from ken and you too" Hyuka said as Yeonjun was still thinking about the words Soobin has say to him at the party. 

"I can make you life a living hell" those words was still stuck in his head . "He change so much" Yeonjun said in a Low tone and Beomgyu and hyuka was looking at him . "what do you expect after what happened to him" Beomgyu said as he sat down .

"I don't know what he Is going to do next" Yeonjun said with a crack in his voice. "It's okay Hyung don't worry everything will be okay" Hyuka said and Hugged him as Beongyu join them .

Time skip

"Hyung What are you doing" Taehyun said as he Saw the older was Searching something on Online . "Are you finding someone" He again asked but he stop when he saw a Sharp smirk on his the older Face .

"I found her" Soobin said in a Smirk . "who , who did you found" Taehyun asked as he peeked through his shoulder.
He saw a picture of a Women with her husband. And it's was Hyejin and Her newly wed Husband picture.

"Are you going for her" Taehyun said as he turn his face toward him . "Yes , She also help them so she need a Punishment" Soobin said and Got up from his place then went outside.

Before leaving for outside he turn back to Taehyun and said . "Can you do me a favour" Taehyun look at him waiting for to continue. "Can you Look after Leehyun" Soobin said . "of course I can" Taehyun said .

Soobin nodded his head and went to outside. He opened his car and Started it's engine .

Time skip

Hyejin was at her home alone . she had just newly married for two months. She was doing her house holds suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

"Who come at that time" Hyejin said as she opened the door and she was shock to see Soobin standing there smirking at her .

"How are you Hyejin" he said with a evil smirk.  "W-what are you doing here" She said.
"What I come here for taking revenge over what you did" Soobin said as he slowly entered.

Hyejin was walking backward feeling scared . "You said that I raped you which I didn't so Let's do it , I wanna know how to rape someone" Soobin said as he started to open his first few  buttons.

"P-please Soobin don't do this I have husband now" hyejin said while backing away.
"Did I care , no i don't care" Soobin said and Attack her .
Hyejin try to loose from his grip but it was no use.

"PLEASE LET ME GO SOOBIN I AM SORRY , HELP" Hyejin was screaming. "SOOBIN PLEASE KEN TOLD ME TO LIE PLEASE LET ME GO" Hyejin suddenly feel that Soobin get up from her .

She opened her eyes and saw that Soobin was smirking at her and her husband was behind him . "honey" she said but her Husband slapped her .

Soobin has already met her husband and told him everything before coming here. "I just come here for your confess" Soobin said and took out his phone then stopped the recoding.

"I am going to divorce you I don't want girl like you" Her husband said and left from there . Hyejin was begging him to not leave her but her husband left .

Soobin took a tissue then he  took a Knife stabbed into hyejin neck from behind. Hyejin grab her Bloody neck and turn to Soobin. "You will not die with this but you will suffer forever bye" Soobin said and left from there with a smirk of victory.

He come out and Told her neighbor to go inside . hyejin husband has a argument with her and he stabbed her with a knife in her neck . her neighbor immediately call a ambulance.

"My first revenge is completed" Soobin said and get inside of his car .


Hope you enjoy reading it .

Bye love you blue luvies.

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