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Author POV

"Hyung Truth or dare" Soobin said . "Hmm truth" Yeonjun said looking at him .
"Then tell me a secret that no one know not even yours parents" Soobin said .

Yeonjun think for a moment then nervously bit his lips then looking at him .

"I have one that not even my parents hasn't any clue about" he said . "what is it hyung , you can tell me" Soobin said . "you will not judge me right" Yeonjun said a pout. The younger one give encouraged to tell him what was the secret and he will not judge him . Yeonjun take sometimes to tell then he finally reveals that he was a femboy . "Yeah I like to wear Crop tops and skirts" He said in a lower tone then again he looked down . "its cool through I mean you have your rights to wear what you want" Soobin said and smiled at him showing his dimple . Yeonjun felt relieved that Soobin didn't judge him .
He hugged him and the youngest hugged him back .

"Thank you for not judging me Binnie" Yeonjun said .
Soobin laugh and lay down on the bed still Yeonjun in his arms .

both of them was smiling like idiots doesn't even know why their smiling like that but they like each other company and they understand each other so well . They're feelings for as friends are growing bigger and bigger .

"Okay Yeonjun hyung I think I should go now , Soomin and mom will be worried for me" Soobin said as he get up . "okay but come again please I like to stay with you" Yeonjun said in a sad pout .
"Okay I will come next time"
Soobin said and pat his head . "Yah! I am older then you" Yeonjun said . "but you behavior is like a baby" Soobin said and walk out of the room . Yeonjun cheeks because light pink and he hide his face inside his sweater paws .

Soobin come downstairs and he met Yeonjun parents there . Yeonjun was also behind him . "Oh hey mom and dad" He said and Soobin immediately bowed to them .
Ms choi was looking at Soobin like he was some kind of trash . "who is he" Mr choi said . "He is my friend choi Soobin" Yeonjun said and looked at Soobin who was feelings so nervous standing in front this rich high standard people .

"You should go now bin see you at school" He said and wave at the youngest . Soobin come out and let out a breath that he was holding for moment .

"Yeonjun why are you being friends with such a low class people" Ms choi said . "what do you mean low class mom" Yeonjun said . "if he come from a low class then what should I call him , I should sy that he is low standard people" Ms choi said . "mom enough you can't talk about Soobin like this" He said in furious but he can't say anything more after all their is his parents . "All I want stop being friends with such a low class people" Ms choi said and went upstairs .

Yeonjun felt his eyes became wet and he run toward his room after locked himself inside . dong wook was watching the whole drama and he sighed .

Next day at school

Soobin was sitting alone on a bench which was in there school garden . he was busy reading a book but suddenly he felt two arms wrap around him resting his head on his shoulder . "Yeonjun hyung what happened" He said as he close the book then turning to the blue haired boy who sobbing silently . soobin cupped his face between his big hands and made the older faced him . "Now tell me what happened why are you crying" He said . "M-my mom said to break my friendship with you" Yeonjun said between sobbing and his eyes wide open . Because he also doesn't want to break their friendship . Yeonjun is the only person who understand him so much beside his family .

"W-what are you saying hyung" Soobin said . "I don't want to break our friendship Soobin" Yeonjun said and hugged him again . "It's okay hyung stop crying" Soobin said while rubbing the older back .

And not like Yeonjun want to break their friendship just he made it secret from his parents saying that he break their friendship . Only Taehyun , Beomgyu, Soomin  and hueningkai knew about it .

Fees weeks went by like this .
Ken was making Soobin life like a hell . he became more violence and started to do so many torture on him . Soobin still didn't tell anyone expect his sister because he can't keep an secret from her . Yeonjun was hinting that something happened to Soobin because most of time Soobin was absent from school . he asked him many times but always Soobin made a excuse and change the topic .

"Soobin can you came here" Yeonjun said in serious tone .
The youngest became nervous when Yeonjun called him like that . he slowly come and sat down beside him .

"What do you want to talk about" The black haired boy said and adjusted his round glasses . "Tell me the Truth Soobin" Yeonjun said .


Hey there this is authornim hope you enjoy this chapter .



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