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Author POV

Yeonjun was sitting at the couch and he was in his thought. "What is he is going to do" Yeonjun said to himself. "Did he really going to kill them" He sighed and turn on the TV and put a news channel not like he was watching It . he was in his thought.

"Yesterday Night police found A body near the lake" the lady Reporter said . Yeonjun looked up to the TV screen. "And it's was Body of Mr Son Leehyun the famous CEO and the murdered is still unknown" The lady Reporter continue.

Yeonjun eyes wide open when he saw Leehyun photo on TV screen. He took the remote and off the TV and hugged himself. He was scared from Violence things . And sawing Leehyun news his body became cold . and he knew who did this .

"He really come back for revenge" He said and soon his eyes fill with tears and it slowly stream down from his eyes.

Time skip

"What are we going to do he really come back for revenge over everything we did" Minjin was frustrated from Yesterday scene as They saw how Soobin just kill one of their friend in front of their eyes.

Ken was looking at the TV screen as he was watching the news . suddenly his phone start to ring as he looked at the caller ID. It was unknown. He picked up and place the phone on his ear.

"Hello ken" Ken eyes wide open as he recognized the voice . "YOU JERK , WHY DID YOU CALL ME" Ken shout as his friends look at him. "Who is on call" Seowon said .

"Shh~~~~, Don't be angry I just Call you to tell that you don't have much time in your life so enjoy it" Soobin said as he chuckle. "I WILL KILL YOU , YOU MORON" Ken said as he heard a evil laughing from the other side.

"How will you would kill me when I am going to kill you soon, your my last target I am coming for your friends first like I do with Leehyun. I didn't hide body just to know you guys that how much  dangerous am I" Soobin said with a smirk and cut the call before ken could answer.

"Can you tell us who the fuck was on that phone" Taejun asked as they saw tense on ken face . "just leave me alone" Ken said while sitting down on his chair . "can you tell us who-" Seowon was Cut by ken . "CAN YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE" He shout as his friends shut their mouth and left from there.

Time skip .

"Yeonjun I think you should tell him the truth" Dongwook said as he look at him . yeonjun has come to him for sharing his thoughts like always. "Would he will believe me" Yeonjun said . "you should try it maybe he believe you" Dongwook said.

"I don't know what to do now , I am Scared Uncle" Yeonjun said as few tears fall down from his eyes but he wiped them . "believe me you should tell him the truth" Dongwook said and put a hand on his shoulder calming the younger down.

"Anyway your parents told me tell you that you should meet with them" Dongwook said .
Yeonjun got furious when he heard about his parents.

"Why they want me to meet them" He replied. "I don't know I think you should go" his uncle replied. "Fine I will meet them" Yeonjun said and got up from his seat. "yes at the restaurant , Oh what are you going to wear" Dongwook said . 

"What I like to wear" Yeonjun replied. "But your parents doesn't like how you dressed up" He said while grabbing a file . yeonjun rolled his eyes and looked at his uncle ."I don't care about them , if I listen to them then I will everything like I lost Soobin" Yeonjun said left from there.

At restaurant

Yeonjun enter the entrance look around to find his parents. He find them and started go toward his parents Table . he was walking confidently because someone told him that he have his own rights to wear whatever he want to wear .

YOU CHANGED ME [YEONBIN]Where stories live. Discover now