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[When I was writing this part I was listening to euphoria and still with you by jungkook . you can listen too while reading this part because it match so much]

Author POV

Minutes later both of them pull away from each other , staring . "I didn't exp-ected that" Yeonjun said with red shade paint on his cheeks.
The other also has light pink shade on his cheeks.

"Any-way I am feeling well now" Soobin said with a nervous laugh. "I am happy that your feeling well" Yeonjun said and smile .

"Um hyung we should go now" Soobin said and get up with following the older.
Both of them started walk without any word but this time the silence was Comfortable not awkward.

They both come in front of Soobin house and The younger turned to the older.
The older was still blushing about the kiss .

"Good night hyungie" Soobin said and peck on his cheek.
Yeonjun eyes wide open and he nodded his head. The black haired boy started laugh at the older for being cute and funny at the same time . "YAH! Don't laugh at me" Yeonjun said and pout.
"I thought you have so much confidence but I think it's not in front of me" He said .

Yeonjun hit him on the arm and left from there . Soobin again smiled and went to inside. Soomin was sitting at the couch waiting for him.
When she saw him entering she stood up from her sit. 

"Where are you have been" She asked . "me and hyung was talking at the park so I think that's why I am late" Soobin replied and all he said was lie because they're not official couple yet so he didn't want to told her that they literally kissed . 

She nodded her head and went to her room before saying good night to him.
Soobin also went to his room and lay down .

He was thinking about the kiss that happened at the park.  Those soft lips of Yeonjun he still remember that . he will like to taste those lips even more . he was in his thoughts . And he was feeling more well then before because it was his first time feeling something like this .

he didn't feel the pain on his body when he was thinking about the older . he smile and slowly close his eyes then fall into the dreamland.

Next day Soobin wake up and he got fresh up . he still don't want to go to the school. He don't want to face ken . he was at his room sitting on his bed .

He took out his phone and called Yeonjun . after few rings he picked up.
"Hey bin why you suddenly called me" Yeonjun said from there other line . "um I actually don't want to go to school so I was thinking I don't have work today so we can meet" Soobin said.

Yeonjun said yes to meet him and The younger told him to meet at the park . he hang up and get up to got ready for meeting the older .

He got ready and come out for breakfast . Soomin was Eyeing him from up and down. "Son are you going somewhere" Ms choi asked.
"Yes mama I am meeting Yeonjun hyung" Soobin said looking happy. Soomin was still confused why the hell her brother looks this happy.
What made him smile like a idiot .

Soobin finished and left the house . he come and stand at the edge of the park. He was feeling so happy and he himself doesn't know why but he can say that Yeonjun make him happy . he was sad before Yeonjun come to his life but when Yeonjun come he feel so happy.

Because Yeonjun was his euphoria.

He was waiting until he saw the older. He was so happy and he smiled at him . then run toward him hugged him .Yeonjun giggle and hugged him back .

"Hey binnie why so happy" He asked ruffing the younger hair . younger shakes his head and pull away .

"Nothing just I felt like everything is so new , The feelings is feels so new for me" He replied.

Yeonjun smiled and wrap his arms around the younger neck , Connecting their head together. Soobin wrap his own arms around the older waist pulling him closer.  killing the gap between them. They stay like that for some time forgetting about everything around them.

Soobin forget about his worries and pain that Ken give him through the past few years . Yeonjun also forget about his parents.
Because his parents give him so much pressure sometimes.

"Hyung" the younger said and the blue haired boy hummed . "Are we official or something" Soobin asked .
"What you want" Yeonjun said . "I want to take everything slowly hyung" Soobin answered .

"As your wish Bunny" Yeonjun said and peck his forehead . Soobin giggle and hugged him again.

Both of them hang out till the evening. They went to play so many games and eat ice cream together.

They're was so happy that word can't described. They still not boyfriend for official but they are taking things slowly. Hope so see them happy forever.


Bye bye. Thank you for reading till now I hope you will Read till the end of this story .

Love you .

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