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Author POV

After that both of them went to each of their home . Yeonjun come inside of his room and lay down on the bed hiding his face on his pillows . "what on the earth was happened between us" Yeonjun said still remember the incident on park . "How am I suppose to meet him tomorrow" Yeonjun said while whined .

Next day at school

Yeonjun peek though the gate . checking if soobin is around or not . he felt relieved when he didn't saw the bunny looking boy around . he went inside and open his locker . He was still feeling nervous suddenly Beomgyu come from nowhere . "HEY YEONJUN HYUNG" Beomgyu yelled but
Yeonjun get scared and Accidentally hit Beomgyu toward the locker so hard .
Hueningkai eyes wide open and immediately went toward him . Yeonjun was still processing what he had done to his best friend . "Beomgyu hyung wake up" Hueningkai said try to wake him up . Beomgyu get up while holding his head .
"hyung what was that" Beomgyu said . "Sorry Beomgyu I am really sorry it was an accident" Yeonjun said . "be careful next time" Beomgyu said still holding head and went away .

Yeonjun sigh and slap himself for being a fool . he looked around and saw Soobin was entering and his eyes wide open. He can't face soobin after that incident . he immediately run away from there . soobin was also feeling nervous to meet the older after what happened.

The day went by and yeonjun doesn't come in front of soobin . even Soobin was nervous to meet the older but still he felt sad when he didn't find him anywhere . he was at his work but he can't focused .

Yeonjun was walking alone when he again saw Soobin at the hallway . he was about to run away but Soobin already saw him . "Yeonjun hyung stop there" Soobin said and come toward him . The blue haired boy slowly turn to face the taller boy in front him . "O-h hey Soobin" He said with a nervous smile .
"Why are you avoiding me like that" Soobin said a sadness in his voice . "I was not avoiding you" Yeonjun said . "Then why you always run away" He said . yeonjun doesn't find any word to said he himself doesn't know why he avoid the younger these days . But he get interrupted
In his thought when the bunny looking boy wrap his arms around his slim waist and pull him into a hug . He didn't pull away but he was surprised . "" don't do this please because I don't have any friends beside you" Yeonjun can hear the crack in the younger voice . he slowly put his arms around him hugging him back . Both of them stayed like that for a while then pull away .

"I am sorry" Yeonjun said .
"It's okay hyung you don't need to apologized" Soobin said and smiled . "I will take you my house as apology" Yeonjun said and laugh how Soobin eyes became round like balls . "What you don't need to do that" Soobin said try to refused . "Please go with me I almost always stay alone at home because my parents are always out for business" Yeonjun said .
"But I can't" Soobin was about to argue more but when he saw the sad pout on the older face . he agreed to go with him . yeonjun was so happy and he hugged him again .

At Soobin

"Please soomin help to find a nice outfit for going to his house" Soobin said and try to find a nice outfit . "Why so nervous not like your going to propose him " Soomin said with a teasing smile . "Stop joking okay" Soobin said try to look away to hide the light pink shade on his face .
Soomin laugh and help him to find a nice outfit .

"Are you sure I am looking good enough" Soobin said and again turn to his sister .
"Are you going or not your saying the same thing for Five time now go" Soomin said in a irritated voice .
"I am looking ugly right" Soobin said . Soomin glare at him about to throw a fist but Soobin run away before she can hit him . "IF YOU AGAIN SAY YOUR UGLY WITH THIS HANDSOME FACE THEN I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" She said and close the door so loudly .

Soobin was in front of Yeonjun house or you can said mansion

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Soobin was in front of Yeonjun house or you can said mansion . His jaw dropped when he saw the mansion in front him .

Suddenly he saw Yeonjun was running toward him while waving . He came and throw arms around his neck and hugged him . "I am happy that you come let's go inside" Yeonjun said and grab his hands guide him to inside. Soobin was impressed by the big entrance and living room . But when he get inside he only saw only maids . "Aren't your parents are home" Soobin asked and he saw the sadness on the blue haired boy face .
"No they are out again" Yeonjun said . "it's okay I am here" Soobin said . "Anyway your looking handsome and you didn't wear your glasses today" Yeonjun said pink shade on his cheeks . Soobin always wear glasses in school and its Yeonjun first time saw him without glasses . "Thank you so much for the compliment" Soobin said . "Let's go to my room" he said and both them went to Yeonjun room .

Both of them hangout for a long time . Now both of them Finished a movie and lay down on the bed . "What should we do now" Soobin asked while yawning .
"We should play Games" Yeonjun said . "Truth or dare" Soobin said and looked at the older . The older think for a moment then nodded .

"Okay I am gonna bring a bottle" Yeonjun said and exit the room . sometimes later he come back and sat down on the soft mattress then started playing .


Sorry for late update . as you guys know my exam ended few days ago so that's why I was late to update . But hope you to like this chapter and don't forget to vote and follow 😋

Comment too because I love to read them .
Anyway bye~~~~

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