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"Anyway you said Ken made some cuts on your arms" Soobin asked ."yes they are some scars on My arm " yeonjun said and pull up his sleeves and soobin saw some scars on his arms . They're not so visible but still. But soobin felt rage In his heart when he saw scars on His arms. yeonjun pull Down his sleeves.

"I think I should I go now" Yeonjun said . "Do you have to go"Soobin said. " yes let me go Binnie" Yeonjun said try to lose from those strong arms . "Nope , I am not letting you go"Soobin said. After bickering for sometimes Soobin let him go.

Soobin peck on his lips then let him go. Yeonjun was about to go but he stop and turn to the younger again.
"bye Daddy" He smirked and Run away. Soobin chuckled and got up too. "It was funny too" Taehyun said.

"Yeah I know he is such a tease nothing new" Soobin said and grab his coat . "But I am happy for you too" Taehyun said. Soobin smiled and walked out from there

Time skip

Taejun and Damhee was coming out from the restaurant together. They're going home after meeting with ken . "my head is going to explode because of him" Danhee said . "I don't know what is his going to do" taejun said . suddenly Someone hit Taejun from the behind and he fainted. Damhee was shocked and she was about to scream but the person hit her too and she fainted too.

Taejun wake up and look around but he can't remembered this place and then he saw that Damhee was in front him Tied into a chair . he try to move but then he felt that he can't move . He was tied with chair too .

"Well well , Look who we have here , Kim Taejun and his so called girlfriend Lee Damhee" Soobin entered while wearing some gloves .
"CHOI SOOBIN I WILL KILL YOU" Taejun Shout . Soobin come and grab his chin harshly. "I was thinking to kill Damhee first but your over confidence made my mind change" Soobin said then he look at Damhee .

"Please let us go , Ken bullied you most of the time not us please" Damhee was crying while begging for her live."Are you sure , you guys always enjoy seeing me suffer so it's time for you guys to feel the same " Soobin said and Took a stick .

He Hit so hard with the stick In Taejun knee and he scream in pain . Soobin continued hit him at the same spot and Taejun knees Was bleeding and his legs broke . "You hit my love and you guys made him do this to me so it's punishment for hurting my love" Soobin said and Took a hammer then hit him on the face. Damhee closed her eyes not wanting to see the scene.

Suddenly Damhee heard a scream and then silent . she open her eyes and saw that Taejun sitting in front her lifeless. Soobin stabbed him and he look back at her . Damhee started to scream and shout for help but no use.

Soobin come toward her and stabbed her with the same knife that he stabbed taejun . "Don't worry Ken and Seowon will come soon with you guys" He said and smirk .

Damhee was staring at him until she died . Soobin smirk and get up then he took of his gloves and throw them .
He looked around him and smiled . "I like how you guys Died in my hands" He chuckled and continue. "Ken will die in my hands soon. Don't worry ken I am coming for you" And he started to laugh while walking out from there. He come out and Took out a remote then press it .


The place explode because Soobin already placed a Bomb there and now there body was burning in fire . Soobin left the place and come to his home .

Time skip

Ken throw away a vase and it shattered into pieces. Soobin called him this morning and told how he killed taejun and Damhee and send him his photos.
Now ken was furious and he don't know what to do. Seowon was already scared because he know he will died soon .

YOU CHANGED ME [YEONBIN]Where stories live. Discover now