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Author POV

The poor and heart broken boy open his eyes but again close it  when the sun rays hit his eyes . Blinking for so many time he open his eyes and sat down on the cold floor . He was broken and weak .

He zoned out for sometimes then come back to the reality when he heard his sister calling his name From outside of his wooden door.

He got slowly and went to the door then open it . Saw Soomin was standing there with Sad and worried paste on her face . "oppa , mom aren't coming out , please talk to her" She said but soobin remained silent .

Soomin put her hand on his shouldert then said "I know your heart broken oppa about what Yeonjun oppa did" Yes Soomin found out that they're was together but she was also shocked when she saw what Yeonjun did .

"Don't say his name" Soobin said and went to his mom room. He softly knocked it but he didn't get any answer.
He then twisted the knob and it was open . he get inside and saw his mother was sleeping on his bed .

Her back was facing toward him . he sat down beside her and started to shake her slowly. "Eomma , I am sorry but I didn't do anything please don't be like this" He said but didn't get any response. "Eomma wake up" but noe response.

He slowly started to get tense and shake her several time then he check her wrist .
It has stop working then he put his finger under her nose she wasn't breathing.

"EOMMA" with Soobin burst into tears . She had heart attack at night and now she's gone . left her two Angels behind. Soobin hug her mom lifeless body , Sobbing.

Soomin sat down on her knees at the door and was shocked that her mind went blank . She saw her brother crying while hugging his mother who was dead .

Few days went .

Soobin was all lonely he doesn't why this all have happened with him . what he did wrong to deserved this .
The world is so cruel for them . After her mother dead Soobin can't payment their rent and they was kicked out of the house too . now they stay at shelter house .
Things happen so fast right.

He was coming back from his work because he have his sister to feed . he was walking down the alley looking like a ghost with pale skin .

Suddenly ken and his friends come and stand in front him. He get startled and looked at them . "W-what do you guys want from me now" He said with anger . "wow wow clam down we don't want anything from you now but we come here to saw you" Ken said with a smile .

Soobin look at them with anger but he didn't do anything back . "listen just leave me alone now" he said and was about to go but Seowon push toward the ground and he fall .

"Oh look at this poor baby" Damhee said with a smirk .
"I don't know Soobin You should do something like this" Ken said . "What are you talking about?" he asked . "I don't know you will raped your class mate" Lee hyun said . "i-i didn't do anything to her , she is lying" Soobin said try to get up but no use . Taejun push him toward the ground again.

"and what about that Yeonjun guy , I thought you was his friend" Ken said and come to him . soobin was backing away .

"To be honest he did a best work for us" Taejun said . Soobin was confused what they was talking about.
"Yeah he help us to Fool him , Yeonjun was so useful" Ken said. "What are you talking about" He said .

"Yeonjun helped us from the starting to fool you Soobin" Minjin said and everyone started laugh . Soobin can't believe his ear that Yeonjun help them from the starting mean he faked their friendship and Protecting from ken . it was all fake

"WHY DID YOU GUYS DID THIS TO ME , WHAT DID I DO WRONG WITH YOU" Soobin yell as they stop laughing and look at him.

"Did you dare you fucking shout at me you Little brat" Ken said and started to beat him . he didn't cry this time because he need tears to cry . he doesn't have any tears left in his eyes .

They beat him and left him there laying down on the cold ground. Suddenly he felt that his body was burning in pain . His scars was starting to hurt . He whimper in pain and he get up from the ground then run toward the River .

He was going to end his life today . he had enough in his life he can't take it anymore. He come near the water of river and stand there letting out a loud scream of pain .

"I am sorry soomin I hope you should get a better after that" Soobin said and slowly went inside the water . He left his body relax on inside of the water didn't even try to come out .

He was getting deep and deep into the water. He felt that he was having problem of breathing. Does it matter .
No he just let himself drown into the water. He closed his eyes .

Suddenly someone else jump into the water and Come toward him . he can't see person face but he felt that the person pull him out of the water and lay down him on the ground near the river .

The guy push his Stomach and he cough and let out some water from His mouth and then open his eyes . saw
Person face.

"Why the fuck you want to end your life while drowning into the water" the guy said while looking at him . "why did you save me, Why did you do that I want to die" Soobin said and started to cry .

"Hey if I say something wrong then sorry but why you want to end your life" He asked as he looked at Soobin. Soobin told him everything from the starting to now .

The guy look at him with sympathy then he rubbed his drenched hair . "it's sad that this things happened to a angel like you but what about your sister did you thought about her before Ending your life , she will be lonely if her brother also die" He said as Soobin felt guilty for being selfish.

"But what can I do now I don't want to stay like that" Soobin said looked at the ground. "You said you don't have anyone right then you come with me" The guy said as Soobin eyes wide open.

"W-what , no-" The guy cut him . "don't worry you will be okay with me so don't say no you need to free from this so come with me with your sister" He said and convice him for going with him. 

"Anyway I am Jeon jungkook and I am mafia king so I think you don't have any problem with it" The said Jungkook said . Soobin was shocked but he shake his head .

"Let's go I am going to Seoul and you both are coming with me, and listen don't waste your tears anymore they cost more then anything so don't cry for nonsense" Jungkook said and Help him to get up .

Both Soobin and Soomin agreed to go with Jungkook because he doesn't look like some bad guy and it was true he welcome them in his house with warm love .

but Soobin was shocked when he saw Taehyun was also there. Taehyun was Jungkook Long distance cousin. Taehyun was also shocked when he heard everything.

(Jungkook was 21 that time when he met Soobin and he was single too)

Time passes like this . Jungkook involved Soobin and soomin into the school with Taehyun. And Jungkook notice that Soobin has so many scars on his body . So Jungkook told him to take revenge over his bullies.

"But , hyung " Soobin said .
"No , but why are you so kind Soobin, are this kindness help you to get a better life, They deserved a Punishment" Jungkook said .
"How I will take revenge from them" he asked.

"I will help you with that , Soobin your to kind for this cruel world , you need change , you have to Heartless for those who don't deserve your kindness" Jungkook said and put his hand on his shoulder.

From that day Jungkook started to trained Soobin to became strong and brave .
How to fight back . he trained him to became powerful Mafia .

And like that Soobin changed. He became cold from kind . he knows how to fight back . and now all he want was Revenge.


Hope you guys enjoy reading and don't forget to follow me .

Love you blue luvies .

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