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"Yeonjun hyung , Yeonjun hyung" The younger come toward him with a wide and cute smile . yeonjun turn to him and Smiled at him . Soobin come and hug him pulling him closer . "Yah! You giant you will crash me" Yeonjun said with a giggle .
"No I am not giant , I am your baby bunny" Soobin said with a pout .

Yeonjun pinched his fluffy cheeks and give a kiss on his cheeks . He heard giggling from the younger. "Your so cute you know" Yeonjun said and Soobin look at him with doe eyes .

"Do you think I am cute" Soobin said and Yeonjun nodded his head . "yes you're so cute and I love you" Yeonjun said and pull Soobin into a soft kiss. The younger kiss him back immediately.

Few moments later both of them pull away and look at each other with loving eyes .
"I love you too hyung and I will love you forever" Soobin said with a smile and it made the older smile . again both of them pull into a Kiss .

A tear left from his eyes stream down from his cheeks as he remember those moment that he and the younger has shared . Those cute , happy , Sad and painful memories that both of them has shared. Yeonjun hugged a photo frame of him and Soobin which they click at their First date . he let out more Loud sobs as he remember how Soobin hate him now .

At past whenever Soobin look at him with those loving and soft eyes he felt so safe and Relax but now when Soobin look at him with those eyes he felt so hurt . the hatred Soobin has for the older can easily seen on his eyes .

He had been suffering from this past years because how he betrayed his one and only love . The hurt and betrayed he see on the younger eyes last time , it's hurt him.

He let out more loud sobs and he lay down on the floor . He don't know if he tell the younger the truth he will believe him or not .

Because of crying for hours he fall sleep after sometimes. He fall asleep while hugging their picture.

He miss their cute moment. He missed how they spent their times together while laughing around and Joking around. He miss his old Soobin which he had lose .

At the other side

Minjin has come out from a party and she open her house door and get inside . She closed the door and turn around but she froze when she saw Someone at kitchen counter . "who are you and what are you doing in my house" She said and grab a Vase for safety. But her eyes wide open when she saw that was Soobin who was sitting at her counter .

He turned to her and smiled .
The vase that Minjin was holding it fall out from her hand and shattered into pieces. "I was waiting for you why did you come so late , I was about to fall sleep here if you come a little bit late" Soobin said and Yawn while stretching back .

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT OF MY  HOUSE" Minjin shout . Soobin laugh and look at her with His wolf sharp eyes . "What do you think why I have come here I come here to kill you so ready to die" Soobin stand up from his sit and took out his gloves then wear them .

He then took a Hammer and look at her with a smirk . Minjin was shocked that she can't move from her place but when she saw Soobin was coming toward her, She got some Encouraged to run and she run to other with Chasing Soobin behind her .

She run to the stairs and she try to go upstairs but soobin Grab her by her leg and pull her back and she get hit with  the stairs . "do you think you can Run away from me" Soobin said with a creepy smile .

"P-lease Sorry just don't kill me p-lease" Minjin said between her sobs but she yell in pain when Soobin grab her by the hair . "I will let you go if you give me the footage of when you guys bullying me then I will let you go" Soobin said because Minjin will always shoot a video of Soobin Being bullied. "I will give the footage just let me go" She said . Soobin let her go and she immediately run to her room while limping.

She come back after few moments with her old phone and give it to Soobin with shaky hands . "h-ere just don't kill m-e" She said but she got confused when she saw there was smirk on his face .

"Why are y-" Before she continue Soobin hit her with the hammer and she fall down on the ground bleeding. "How you think that I will leave you alone you all need equal punishment" Soobin said and hit her more with the hammer. "Hope you and Leehyun will met at the hell" He said and hit her for the last time . and Minjin died there .

There was blood on the floor and the hammer. He throw the hammer near Minjin dead body. Soobin look at the phone and put Inside of his pocket then he took a bottle of oil and Pour around the house and Minjin body then he took a lighter and throw it on Minjin Body and with that Minjin body started to burn with the whole house .

He took out a cigarette and put between his lips then started to walk out of the house while the house was on fire .
He come out and took of his gloves then throw them inside of the house.

He started his car and left from there and his Other revenge is complete. And now his new target was Damhee .


Hope you enjoy reading this part and tell me how was it
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Bye luv you blue luvies .

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