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Author POV

"What do you want from me" Yeonjun said while dusting of his uniform. "Well I thought we don't have anything with you but you helped soobin and try to report us to the police and I don't like it" Ken said , come toward him .

"You guys deserve it" Yeonjun said but ken grab his chin so harshly. "Do you think your so brave" Ken asked while Yeonjun try to loose from his grip .

"Listen here I am not going to hurt you but what you did it pissed me so I am going to punished both of you equal"Ken said and Push Yeonjun toward the ground .

yeonjun looked up and he was trying to fight his tears because he didn't want to show ken that he was weak.

" what are you going to do"Yeonjun said while glaring at them .

Time skip

He entered the restroom and closed the door . He come near the sink  and Let out his
Tears that he was holding for such a long time . He rest his back on the white wall and sat on the ground .

"I am sorry binnie" He said and Let out more and more sobs from his mouth , Hugging his legs .

He didn't talk to anyone that day . he straight went to his house and locked himself in the room .

Soobin POV

A sighed left between from my lips as I looked up to the sky. The sky was not that cleared today looks like it will rain soon. I just finished my shift at a convenience store . now I am at a Park .

I stood up from the wooden bench and turning my heels I started to walk toward my home .

"Hey sis" I said as I get inside .she turned around and looked at me with sadness on her face . I got confused why she looked she was crying. She come and hugged me. I put my arms around hugged her back .

"Sis what happened" I asked as she told me that mom situation was more worse then before . "when your at your work , Mom suddenly fainted and I took her to the hospital and the doctor said Mom health is not good" She said between her sobs .

"If she get too much tense it may cause her heart attack and we can't save her" she continued and hugged me while crying. 

My eyes wide open and soon my vision got burled and Tears stream down from my eyes . "D-don't we have any other chance" I said , Tears still rolling down .

"We need lot of money if we want to mom get better treatment but Oppa we don't have that much Money all we can do is we shouldn't make Mom worried over something" She said wiping her tears . I nodded my head and went to mama room .

I opened the door and get inside . She was laying down on the bed . I slowly approach to her and sit beside her while hold her hand. She open her eyes and looks me .

"Soobin" she said and it was enough to make me cry again. I hugged her and let out more loud sobs . she hold me and slowly rubbed my back . "i am sorry my son I can't give you a better life" She said .

"Shut up mom don't say like that you did your best for us" I said between my sobbing .
She give a sad smile and Caresses my hair . I laid down my head on her lap and stayed like this for some moment.

Time skip

I was laying down on my bed dried tears on my cheeks .
I took out my phone and Called Yeonjun hyung became I need him right now . he is the only person can understand me .

I called him few times but he didn't pick up my phone. What happened to him . I messaged him but no reply .
Is he okay? I think he is busy with something . But I hope he was beside me right now .

Author POV

Three days later

It's been three days , Soobin hasn't heard anything from Yeonjun. No calls , No message reply . Soobin was confused why Yeonjun was avoiding him all of sudden.
Does he do something wrong As far he remembered he didn't do anything wrong .
Then why Yeonjun is ignoring him .

He started fear what if Yeonjun left him too . What will happened to him . he was happy for Yeonjun. He met happiness by Yeonjun coming to his life . Yeonjun shine his dark life with his Angelic aura . Different kinds of negative Thoughts was in his mind and It made him Depressed .

Soobin was waking with Groceries on his hand and his other hand was in his pocket . Suddenly he saw Beongyu . he went up to him and saw that Taehyun was also there but Hueningkai was not there .

"Hey guys" He said and draw they're attention toward him. "Oh hey Soobin Hyung" Beongyu said with his Usual voice . "what are doing here with taehyun" Soobin asked looking at the two youngest.
"Nothing just hang out" Taehyun answered.

"Beongyu is Yeonjun hyung okay" Soobin said. "Yes he is okay what will happened to him" Beongyu replied.

"No he didn't pick up my calls or he didn't reply my message too" He said as Beongyu shakes his head .

"I don't know why hyung is Avoiding because he come to school and He look normal like always" Beongyu said .

"Okay then see you later" Soobin said . "hyung when are you coming to school" Taehyun said stopped him from going.
"Soon Taehyun" Soobin said with a Soft but sad smile and left from there .

"Then why he is ignoring me If everything is okay" Soobin thought and Felt hurt by Yeonjun.


I don't know what I just wrote . but hope you to enjoy.

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Bye love you Blue luvies 💙

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