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The whole Hall was Filled with so many rich peoples and they come for Ken engagement party . Ken was one of the famous rich man in Korea now .

All of ken friends was also there . Minjin was making a boring face because of boredom. Leehyun and Seowon was Busy with drinks and about Damhee and Taejun , god know where they are making out.

All of them was has their own reputation and occupation. And Soobin has already search about them everything.

"How the fuck he get a girl ,I am disgust" Minjin said . "why because he didn't pick you to marry him" Seowon said with a smirk . "stop your nonsense or I am going to rip of that smirk of your face" Minjin said in rage .

Seowon and Leehyun just laugh. Suddenly ken come to and stand in front of them .
"Hey guys aren't your going to congrats me for my engagement" Ken said and look around to find the other two. Then he saw that Damhee and Taejun was coming together.

"I think you guys should control yourself " Ken said as he looked at them . "Why do you care not like this is your fucking business" Damhee said. Ken just laugh and turned his face then he saw that Yeonjun was coming .

"Oh hey Yeonjun" He said as Yeonjun looked up to him with anger . "thank you so much for coming to my party" Ken said and go near Yeonjun then put his arm around his shoulder.

Yeonjun Push off his hand and Glare at him . ken just laugh like nothing happened.
"I think Yeonjun became Sexier then before" Leehyun said as he smirk . "At least I am beautiful then your girls that your guys called your friends when you just fucked with each other" Yeonjun said while looking at the girls then went to the other side.

"How dare he-" Minjin was about to say something but ken stop her . "This is my party and I don't want any drama" ken said as Minjin back away .

Seowon laugh and turned around but his blood run cold when he Saw Soobin was Entering the place .
"Guys isn't it soobin" Seowon said get everyone attention toward him then Point the taller blonde haired Guy .

Everyone eyes wide open when they saw soobin who has changed so much . the aura around him was not Soft like before. 

Soobin saw that they're was staring at Him and he smirked . then he started to walk toward them .

"Hey everyone long time no see" He said with a normal Smile . "Yeah it's been long time" Ken said . "You've change so much right , You doesn't look like crybaby anymore" Ken said with a Laugh.

"Because the crybaby didn't stayed longer" Soobin replied.
"What are you doing now" Taejun asked . "I am a mafia and About present now I am preparing for something" Soobin said as they're was kinda shocked .

"A-are you what" Minjin regret to Shutter her words.
Because Soobin smirk when he heard her shuttering.
"Then you should enjoy my party" Ken said as Soobin nodded his head . Soobin looked up and Something caught his eyes .

Yeonjun was standing there alone while Hugging himself.
Soobin felt a anger inside of him when he saw Yeonjun . then he again turn to ken. "I will enjoy your party" He said and went to Yeonjun.

"Who the hell Invited him here" Damhee said as soon Soobin went away . "I don't know how he get here" Ken said with while looking at him.

Yeonjun was alone at the party because His best friend reject him to come with him and Kai also doesn't want to come . Suddenly he feel someone approved toward him he turned his head and his eyes grow wider when he saw Soobin.

"S-soobin" He whispered to himself then Soobin come and stand in front him . Looking at him with anger in eyes not like before. When they was young whenever soobin look at him he feel Soft but now it's different.

"Long time no see Yeonjun" Soobin said With deep tone and Yeonjun feel chill on his body. He really want to hug the younger , He really want to Hold the younger but it's no use now . Everything between them is already shattered.

"Why are you here" He replied with Normal tone.
"I came here for some work and Looks like your Became confident to wear whatever you want because in past you was afraid that people will judge you" Soobin said while eyeing him from up to down .

Yeonjun outfit

"Listen what are you talking about I don't know, just leave I don't want to saw Your face" Yeonjun said and turn to other side

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"Listen what are you talking about I don't know, just leave I don't want to saw Your face" Yeonjun said and turn to other side . he felt hurt when say that to Soobin.

Soobin come toward and pull him by the waist . Yeonjun get startled and No one was looking at them because everyone was busy at party .

"What you and ken did I make sure you guys  regret it and I came here for revenge, so just wait , Because I can make you life a living hell" Soobin whispered in his ear and push Yeonjun. Yeonjun get hit with the table not so harshly but he was Shocked what he heard .

Soobin just glare at him and went to other side . Soobin has changed and he is going to make Ken life hell with his life too.  He can't believe his baby bunny has changed that much and it hurts him .


Hope you guys enjoy reading and don't forget to follow me.

Love you Blue luvies💙


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