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Ken slowly come toward soobin and grab his chin so harshly . "so from where we should start" Ken said while looking at other . "We should beat him" Taejun said with a smirk . Ken and his friends started to beat Soobin . Ken kick so hard in Soobin stomach which made him vomit Blood . "p-please l-let me g-go" He begged to them but no one stop . They started to beat him so hard.
Ken then took out a small knife . "Hold him" He ordered as Seowon and Taejun grab Soobin arms pull his sleeves down . Ken come toward Soobin and started to made cuts on Soobin arms. Soobin try to scream in pain but Damhee Grab his mouth so his scream will not heard by anyone outside .
Tears was rolling down from Soobin eyes . He was sobbing and begging them to stop but it's no use . minjin was shooting a video of Soobin . Ken was about to make more cuts but suddenly someone knocked on the Door .
"Does anyone here" Someone said from outside . Ken and his friends started to panic . they quickly clean up the place and Told Soobin to not say a word about anything that happened here . Taejun went and open the door .
"What is happing here" Taehyun while eyeing everyone . "none of your business" Ken said and push Taehyun then left the place .
Taehyun give him a glare then look inside saw Soobin sitting on the floor and was sobbing silently . he went up to him . "Hey what happened" He softly asked .
Soobin get startled and look at Taehyun with teary eyes .
Taehyun understand they were bullying him . "did they
Bully you" Taehyun said but Soobin shake his head as no .
"You don't have to lie if something happened tell me" Taehyun said and suddenly he notice the cuts on Soobin arms . His eyes wide open .
"Did they make this cuts on you" He asked . "No it's nothing" Soobin said and try to get up but Taehyun grab his wrist . "Let's go the nurse room" Taehyun said and take Soobin to the nurse room .

"What is your name , I am kang Taehyun" Taehyun said to the taller beside him .
"M-my name is Choi Soobin" Soobin said in a low and tired tone . "Did they always bully you" Taehyun said and soobin slowly nodded his head . "I don't make friend easily but let's be friend" Taehyun said give his hand to soobin for handshake . Soobin hesitating at first but then accepted it . "Thanks for helping me" Soobin said give him his dimple smile .
"You should go home" Taehyun said and soobin nodded his head because he was tired . Soobin went to home without informing Yeonjun .

On the other side Yeonjun was Finding the bunny looking boy but can't find him . "Where is he" He said let out a sigh . "I also don't have his number" Yeonjun whine as he sat on his desk .

At home

Soobin slowly entered the home checking if Mrs choi is outside or in her room because he didn't want his mom to get worried for him .
"Why are you sneaking into your own home" Soomin said from nowhere making Soobin startled . "N-noting" He said try to went to his room but Soomin grab his wrist . "Do you get bully again" Soomin said . "No they didn't come to me today I am fine" Soobin said try to leave but Soomin pull his sleeves up and saw all the cuts and Bandage.  "Explain it oppa" Soomin said.  "Leave it Soomin I am tired and I want to sleep" Soobin said and went to his room after locked it .

Next day

Soobin and Soomin entered the school together . Soobin was looking around to see if ken is anywhere or not suddenly his thought get interrupted by a worried Yeonjun.  "Where were you Yesterday" Yeonjun said looking angry . "Oh hyung sorry I didn't tell you but I was feeling not well so I went to home earlier" Soobin said in a nervous tone . "You should told I was a worried sick for you" Yeonjun said with pout . Soobin laugh and hug Yeonjun . "Sorry next time I will tell you okay now forgive me" Soobin said in a cute voice . "Okay I forgive you bunny now let's go to the class" Yeonjun said . "yes , let's go Soomin" Soobin said and went to the class with Yeonjun and Soomin .


Bye love you

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