2. A Jaguar's Spots 3/3

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Present Time

"Graecie? Can I talk to you?" Rasbi flagged down the clearing leader as she was heading towards the group that had Apo. Rasbi had been watching from the shadows. She'd remembered some of her past. Mostly that Owen was dangerous to demons, and that he was even more dangerous to Rasbi specifically, but she couldn't remember why yet. All she knew was that she had to convince Graecie that Apo was telling the truth. But how easy would that be when Graecie herself was human?

Rasbi's stomach flipped. "Yeah, sure," she heard Graecie say as if through a closed door, "but can it wait? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"It's important," Rasbi gasped, "and-" her voice held a tremor in it- "and it's about Owen. Can we go somewhere private?"

Graecie looked at her quizzically, trying to decide. Rasbi did not look mentally sound. Graecie looked again. This time Rasbi looked distracted, and distraught. Was she remembering something from before the maze? "I normally don't go with anyone to any place alone," Graecie said slowly. "You know, since Oeca. Do you mind if someone else comes too?"

Rasbi pulled herself together and shook her head no. Graecie gestured and Rasbi started following after. "Anyone but Owen," Rasbi muttered, following Graecie to Leo's tree. But Rasbi couldn't wait. "Apo's right. It's true Graecie," Rasbi said, reaching for Graecie's arm but abandoning the gesture halfway through.

"What-" Graecie gasped, turning towards Rasbi. Her pace slowed, stopped.

"Apo's right. Owen's a murderer and I can prove it." Rasbi left Graecie's side, paced restlessly away, then back again. "He killed my sister." She forced the words out, halting and shaken.

"Rasbi, that doesn't seem like something-"

"Graecie, please don't interrupt. Please," Rasbi begged. When Graecie kept her silence, Rasbi continued. "Owen... Owen killed my sister. Before the maze. We're from the same district. There was a war between humans and demons. But my sister was going to end it, she was going to end it all! She was going to marry the human prince, and make an alliance between our people. But then, at the ceremony-" Rasbi's voice gave out as she fully remembered that horrible morning, with all the fanfare and everything just so, and her sister standing next to her betrothed, and the lance- Rasbi's knees gave out and she sagged against a tree.

"Rasbi! Are you okay?" Graecie gasped, hovering at Rasbi's elbow. Rasbi turned and sobbed on Graecie's shoulder, digging her fingers into Graecie's shirt. Graecie hugged Rasbi close, rubbing her back and shoulders. But Rasbi didn't seem to be calming down.

"H- he- he- shot- herrrrrr," Rasbi cried. "I can't believe- he was my f- my, frie-"

"Easy, easy," Graecie murmured, but this only sent Rasbi into another wail.

"A-an-and I believed him about Apo," Rasbi continued, like a flood that would not abate. "He would have-" Rasbi clenched her fists, tearing holes in the back of Graecie's shirt. "Owen," she growled, and her voice sounded like thunder, low and cracking like a whip. "Owen kills demons," she said, and let go of Graecie. Rasbi's eyes were red from crying, but her face was a mask of rage. "I'll kill him."

Terrified, Graecie shrank before Rasbi. Rasbi stood tall and imposing, snarling down at Graecie. Graecie had never felt the four inch difference in their heights more. Rasbi turned on her heel and stalked away without saying a word. "Oh, no," Graecie whimpered, stunned. "Ohhh no, no, Rasbi NO!" And Graecie was sprinting after Rasbi, across the clearing, towards her own house to prevent another murder. But before long, it was clear Graecie had lost the trail. Everything at her house was fine. With a quick warning to Magic and Soup, Graecie turned and ran to the group she'd left with Apo as fast as she could.

"Come quick! I think Rasbi is going to try to kill Owen," she gasped, terrified.

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