5. Cornered 1/3

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The Past

After the first monster in the maze came into the clearing;
Coming out of the bunkers;
Apo's nightmares


Apo, wake up! Wake up. Are you alright?

Wh- AAA! Aaaah? Owen?

You were having a nightmare.

Oh God, Owen, I couldn't move. The water, there was blood, in the water-

You sound pretty shaken up, Apo. Are you okay, do you need some food?

Yeah, I'm fi- I'm good, I'm not hungry.




It- I'm fine.

Please talk to me. Don't you trust me?

With my life, Owen.

Then tell me the truth.

I don't know why I keep having these nightmares. I wish I could tell you, but I don't know.

This isn't your first one?


Is it always the same?

Yes... I'm fishing in the maze, see, only I can't move. And then the water turns to blood, and I still can't move.

That sounds horrible.

It is. I don't like being- you know.

Boxed in?

Yeah. Unable to move like that. It's- it's awful.

What do you think it means?

No idea...




What if the dream is trying to tell me something? What if I forgot something important? Like really important.

Heh, like the exit to the maze?

Come on, like I'd keep that to myself. No, I mean that something...




I cant- I can't sleep- Owen what if I killed us all? What if you killed someone, and you didn't remember it?

We're all still alive, aren't we Apo? I was a soldier before. I probably killed someone on the battlefield. At least one person.

You said you were a hunter.

Well, yeah.


Yes Apo?

Do you think people deserve second chances?

I dunno.


I guess so. I probably...

...Me too. I feel sick.


Hey Owen?


If I did something really bad, but I did it for a good reason, could you eventually forgive me?

Apo, what happened?

I don't know. I just have a really, really bad feeling.

...You should get some sleep.

I don't want to have the nightmare again.

Yeah alright, that's fair. Why don't you come with me? I've got to get us some kind of organization, check on everyone, make sure they're alright.

That sounds... good. Yeah, I'd like that. Thank you, Owen.

Sure, no problem.

Hey Owen?

Yeah Apo?

Do you ever have nightmares?

I dunno, not really. I don't usually dream.

...oh. You've never had a nightmare, ever?

Well I mean, I'm sure I have, I just don't remember it.

I wish I could forget.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now